Chapter 16

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Tonight I'm having another cage fight. I feel I really have to impress Jay. Tonight I'm fighting a girl named Lacey. Jay says she is really good and has won a lot of fights against both girls and guys in the cage.

The girl literally beat the shit out of me. I lay in the cage until I felt Jay come and pick me up. I failed. I didn't impress Jay. I probably disappointed him. And most of all I failed my promise to my little brother Seth. He's the only reason I'm still alive and I failed him. Of course he doesn't know that but I feel like I have failed him.

Jay brings me to my room and puts me on my bed. He gives me water to drink and I drink it. "Jay why do you treat me like shit most the time?" I asked. "It's not like that Cora." He said sighing. "Than what is it?" I asked. "I'm teaching you how to survive out here and on the streets like I did." He said. "You don't always have to be so hard on me. It's not fair." I said. "Cora life isn't fair." He said. "You don't have to tell me that." I mumbled. "What?" He asked. "The reason I left my little brother....was cause I was raped." I said and looked down immediately. I never told anyone that before.

"Cora who did that to you? Please tell me." He asked clearly in shock by what I said. "I can't! He'll found out and hurt my little brother Seth!" I yell. I get up and run to the bathroom and lock the door. I slide down the door to the floor and sob. I pull out a familiar shiny object. "Hello old friend." I whisper and press the blade to my skin. This was something I started doing years ago to take the pain of Shane away. It used to hurt but my body is so used to pain by now I've become numb to it.

Author's note: wow that got dark at the end sorry guys. My characters have horrible pasts. Anyway I'm going to put a song at the end of the chapter that reminds me a lot of Cora. Hope you guys enjoyed and don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks until next time guys!

She's My Everything and I'm Her Nothing (complete)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt