Chapter one

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1 week later

I wake up in the back of my car well it's really my dad's car that I stole. I've been sleeping in the back. Only when I get too tired to drive anymore. I only spend money on food and gas. I got to Los Angeles last night. I can't afford anything here. I park outside an apartment building but I can't afford an apartment here. I guess I'll live in my car till I get a job and more money. I only have $200 left. I sigh and get in the drivers seat of my car. I start it up and drive around to look for a job.

I drive for a half an hour not seeing a single help wanted sign or anything job related. I sigh and am about to give up when I see it. An all girls wrestling gym it says. I park. I know a lot about wrestling. My parents have been teaching me since I was 5 and I grow up around it since my parents run the company. I've met and seen so many wrestlers. I've studied moves. My dad even trained me in the ring. Wrestling is something I've wanted to do since I was small and for as long as I could remember. I even went to the gym with my parents as often as I could. Wrestling is in my blood. I'm a McMahon.

I get out of my car and walk inside. I walk up to a person who looks to be the owner. "Hey do you have any training jobs open?" I asked. The owner looks at me. "Well yeah I do. I need an assistant. How did you know? Better yet who are you?" He asked. I sigh knowing I was gonna be asked this. "Can we talk in your office?" I asked. He nods and leads me to it. I'm about to have a job interview and I look like complete shit. Oh well that's what living in your car for a week does to you.

"I'm Jamie Jones. I run this place. Who are you? Can you even wrestle and how old are you?" He asked. I sigh. I can't tell him I'm a McMahon because my parents will come find me and take me back home. Or worst. He'll find me. "I'm Cora...Rollins." I said thinking of a last name for myself quickly. "I'm 18 and yes I can wrestle well." I said. "Mmm Cora well I'll have to test you first before I can give you a job. I'll have you fight Lana. She's brand new here." He said. I nod and go to the ring getting in. He tells Lana and she gets in. The match starts.

This girl is seriously beautiful. Shes got the prettiest blonde hair and big green eyes. I start fighting her. I quickly realized how weak this girl is.

I match is over pretty quickly. I win with a pedigree just like my parents taught me. Jamie looks impressed. I'll get the job I'm sure. I like at Lana and can tell she's hurt. I shrug. She's beautiful but weak. I can't let that stand in my way. I'd be wasting my time on someone like her anyway. She'll leave or get kicked out when he sees she can't wrestle well. Wwe would never expect her. My parents only want the best wrestlers working there. As it should be of course. I leave the ring and walk to Jamie. "You're hired. You can start now. I'll introduce you to the girls. The girl you fought is Lana. She's been here a few days but she's weak." He said. I nod knowing what he means by that. "That's Eva Marie." He said pointing to a girl with bright red hair. "That's Jojo." He said pointing to a short tan girl with curly black hair. "Lastly that's Leda." He said pointing to a girl with pink hair. "And girls this is Cora my new assistant." He said. I smile. This will be fun.

After a full day of training the girls I walk to my car and get in the back seat to sleep. I love my new job I think as I fall asleep.

She's My Everything and I'm Her Nothing (complete)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang