Chapter 49

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I know I am torturing you guys like crazy and I am so sorry but there's a reason for everything ..

This book has basically been a book about patience but the title is Finding My Lunatic because he has to find her but also find himself in a way without him getting advice and all that .

Zoe basically summed it up in Chapter 47

I wouldn't put you guys through all this without a light at the gate of The Asylum so just please bare with me for a few more chapters 😥😥

I walked into Eclipse after about a month without seeing her.

Money in the Bank would be this week and I honestly wasn't sure if I would be able to be focus on the match.

I hated how we left things on Joe's birthday, I hadn't gotten a chance to speak to her properly and having her being angry at me killed me.

I knew Joe saw her and I wanted to know so badly how she seemed but I didn't bother asking as I felt like I hadn't deserved to know .

I was still wondering why she had gotten so sick and was crying, to say I regretted thinking she was pregnant was an understatement .

I should have known Zoe well enough to know that she wasn't that reckless while I was so consumed by her that I hadn't even thought about anything else .

I guess what surprised me most about it all happening was the fact that I actually didn't mind it ..

Just shows how crazy I am.

We were fighting and I was trying to calm her fucking down, defending what a good father I would be after the way I went off on her before.

If she had been pregnant then I should have advised her to get as far away from me as possible.

The last thing we needed was the poor kid knowing I was his dad.

I realized it was her voice that filled the club and I sighed as of course this would be the song that played.

I wasn't planning on coming back here anytime soon but then again I wasn't planning on hearing the horrible fucking news either.

I found myself dreaming
In silver and gold
Like a scene from a movie
That every broken heart knows ...

We were walking on moonlight
And you pulled me close
Split second and you disappeared and then I was all alone

I made my way through the crowds and sat at my usual spot at the bar which was empty.

Everyone was pretty much close to her as she sang on the stage.

I saw the sadness in her eyes.

The sadness I had caused to come back into her life by my stupid words or maybe she had moved on and it was all for the performance.

I honestly had no connection to her over the time we were separated.

Galina had admitted to seeing her once, but not for long either.

I woke up in tears
With you by my side
A breath of relief
And I realized
No, we're not promised tomorrow

"I told you not to come back here man" I saw Owen appear in front of me.

"Have I listened to you before?" I glared as I wasn't in the mood for anyone.

Finding My Lunatic // Dean Ambrose [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now