Chapter 25

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I walked into the club as I had just come from dropping Sky off at school.

“Z….” I saw Owen coming from the back and I smiled.

“I hope the time off did you well, was the Easter Egg Hunt fun after we left?”

I hadn’t worked the entire weekend as they wanted me to spend sometime with Sky and well they knew how hard the weekend would be for me.

Well not just this weekend..

I guess all firsts without your loved ones are hard..

I nodded, “Did you find any sucker to take over for the bunny?”

“Well if you are calling Jon a sucker then yes I guess I did..” I shrugged as I set my bag down under the bar and as I stood up I saw him frowning.

“Jon as in Dean Ambrose?”

I nodded, “I don’t know any other Jon’s do I .. why?”

“When did he get into the picture, the last time I saw him was the week that he left you while you were performing..” he shook his head and began wiping off the counter as I hopped onto it an he narrowed his eyes at me.

“You’re going to do it again before the club opens anyway!” I rolled my eyes and he sighed.

“I just thought that after I spoke to him he would ditch..”

“What do you mean spoke to him” He stopped and came to stand next to me.

“He came in here the next day looking for you”

I sighed, “What did you tell him that he needed to take care of poor Zoe..” I asked as I realized that was why he was in the park that day..

“The exact opposite actually, that’s why I'm surprised that you just spent the Saturday with him”

“What did you tell him?”

“It doesn’t matter , it didn’t make him stay away from you and that shows this guy is tougher than some fucking CEO who doesn’t know whats in front of him when he sees it.”

“There’s nothing special about me, that’s why he left but I’d rather not talk about him.” I sighed as the moment I realized he wasn’t going to call , I had simply erased him from my mind.

And I actually did as I couldn’t really remember his name and well the guys didn’t like him that much so their name for him had always been CEO and I just got onto the bandwagon several months later when I decided to come back to work.

I don’t think I spent months isolating myself because of the fact that he had been an ass really. It was just that, I felt ashamed that I allowed him into my life when he seemed to good to be true.

He reminded me of Ethan, in the way that he was sweet and a perfect gentleman and I guess that’s what made me give myself in the few months he had stuck around.

But he wasn’t like Ethan at all, he was just one of those guys who knew they had the money and the flashy cars to get any girl they wanted.

None of that mattered to me though, he would get annoyed with me pitching up in a jeans and tee for dinner and not in some fancy dress or when I would frown at him ordering some meal consisting of  snails in his classy restaurants.

I guess the signs were there that he wasn’t going to be in my life long, but it was the first time I had allowed myself to think of anyone else besides Ethan.

I don’t think I regret the experience as it taught me to be more careful and I guess why years later I didn’t have anyone.

I regret only the one night before he got what he wanted and left..

Finding My Lunatic // Dean Ambrose [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now