Chapter 24

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“And those are daisies right?” I asked the guy as I stood downstairs in the hospital gift shop while he stared at me weirdly.

Thing was, I couldn’t remember how the fuck those flowers looked but as I stood watching Zoe sitting with Sky I saw the dead flowers on the counter which had to have been there from her last visit.

So instead of interrupting their moment as I knew she needed some alone time with him I ended up here.

“Yes they are” He nodded and I was about to pay when I glanced around .

“Is that chocolate ice-cream?”

They had everything in this small shop and since my fucking tongue still felt weird it wouldn’t hurt to get some.

He nodded, “add that as well. And a small cheese sandwich. Oh and a small juice box”

He sighed, “Will that be all Sir?”

If this was a Dean Ambrose fan this process would have been a whole lot better but yeah.

“Yes oh and..” he glanced up at me annoyed.

“Nothing “ I shrugged and he rolled his eyes and rang up placing it all into a brown bag.

“Thanks man! You should be happier , here’s people fucking dying here the last thing they need is to come buying flowers as a paying customer and have that face staring back at them” I smiled as I left hoping he wouldn’t be such an ass in the future.

“Fuck!” I groaned as I got off the elevator as I forgot spoons.

I saw a lady who was clearly heading from the cafeteria wheeling something with like ten spoons so I stole two.

Hey I did enough good deeds yesterday.

I finally made it back to the room and opened the door and saw they were the same as I had left them.

I closed the door but as I turned back I saw Zoe glance up as she had turned with tears in her eyes..

“I just went to get daisies..” was all I could get out as I wasn’t sure what she was so upset about.

I held up the bag and she laughed a bit as a stray tear fell and I set the bag down on the chair next to the door and walked as she turned away from Sky who was drawing.

I wiped the tear away, “Did he ask about his dad again?” I whispered and she shook her head.

“Thought you left me” she laughed.

Smart man, leave without saying anything..

I wasn’t thinking..

I definitely wasn’t thinking she would think that and get so upset.

Its probably not for you, she just had to recall the deaths of her loved ones probably still emotional from that.


I glanced behind her making sure Sky was concentrating on his drawing.

I leaned forward still holding her cheek and I gave her a quick kiss and reluctantly pulled away.

“Wanting to get rid of your fellow Lunatic so soon?” I shook my head acting disappointed which caused her to smile .

"Mmm his becoming a pain in the donkey lately" she shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

"By picking you up in a car so we don't have to pay some lousy cab driver or by doing what I just did ?"

I asked referring to the kiss.

Finding My Lunatic // Dean Ambrose [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now