Chapter 3

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I woke up feeling like shit which was something I was used to. I pushed myself off the bed so I could get up and felt a sting in my hand and remembered the previous night.

That's the shit thing with me, no matter how drunk I was I remembered everything...

So drinking away my problems? Nah

But I did try though and see if maybe it would work each time.

Never did.

I decided to grab my things as I would be heading to Joe's in about an hour since it was about 12pm..

I walked in and dropped my bags at the door.

"Hello? Any..."

"Uncle Jon!" I immediately bent down and she came running into my arms.

"Hey sweetpea!" I wrapped her in my arms.

Sweetpea.. Because well we were having dinner one night and she told me her dad was Superman , her mom was Superwoman and I was Joker.

She asked me what I was going to call her and well I was eating peas and she's sweet.

Don't hate.

I improvised.

She liked it anyway and that's all that mattered.

"Aw Jon you made it, I made your favourite"
I saw Galina and kissed her cheek before pulling her into a hug.

"Crumbed chicken fillets with pasta?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yes!" I did a fist pump in the air still holding Jojo in my arms which caused her to laugh.

"I'm guessing you told him what's on the menu?"

I heard Joe and hugged him as he entered the lounge.

"We're having dinner for lunch especially for you, feel special" he smirked and I rolled my eyes and followed them out to the back as I figured we would be eating on the patio.

"So are you guys ready for Fast lane on Sunday?"

We glanced at each other with a smirk.

"Well brother vs brother vs the beast and anyone can win? It will be interesting" Joe shrugged and I nodded.

"Interesting when Uncle Jon wins right Jojo?"

She looked up while trying to get a dangling noodle in her mouth and looked between us and continued eating.
"A woman knows better than to choose" Galina laughed.

"I guess or she just doesn't want to make daddy upset by admitting the truth" I shrugged and Joe rolled his eyes.

"Right Jojo?" I nudged her arm as she sat next to me.

She laughed and then traced her two fingers over her lips and 'locked it' causing all of us to laugh .

"You know you just locked your lips so technically you're not suppose to be able to eat"

"What does tech-ni..cally mean ?" She scrunched up her nose and I just shook my head as there was no point in explaining.

"What happened to your hand?" I glanced at it and shrugged.

"I thought you were done with fighting?" Joe raised his eyebrow referring to me starting random brawls in clubs.

"You think I would walk away from a fight with only this bruise?"

"Well I have faith in your fighting skills Uce " he smiled.

"Nah , I am done.. I just ..." I shrugged and dished myself more pasta.

"Just?" I heard Galina and I knew she wouldn't quit.

"Unknowingly broke a glass.." I sighed as it was the truth even though it sounded stupid , because it was.

"Unknowingly?" He frowned.

"I saw something that pis.."

I remembered Jojo, " Made me upset and next thing I know glass broke."

"Is that why you didn't reply to my text?"

"What te.." I reached into my pockets .



"Uncle Jon has to put one dollar in the curse jar"

Jojo giggled and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh now you can speak sweetpea?" I smirked briefly before getting up as she giggled.

"I gotta go guys.." I sighed.

"Why?" Galina asked before continuing to eat.

She was still on her first serving.

Slow eater...

"I forgot my cellphone at the club..." I couldn't believe I had spaced.

"Oh its cool, we can drop by before we head to the arena .. Come on man My wife didn't prepare all this so we couldn't have three servings before we left"

I nodded and ate slowly as he was right, I was definitely having another.

"I'm surprised you were able to fix your hand up so well, considering I know what your state must've been" Joe smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"I can take care of myself very well thank you regardless of my state.."

I briefly thought about her fixing my hand and how fucking tongue- tied I got and how I would have to go back there again.

Apart of me was excited as I hoped she would be there while another part felt the opposite.

"Eclipse.. So this is where you have been for the past two nights picking up your latest conquests" Joe teased as he looked up at the name before we headed for the entrance.

"For your information I didn't bother having any conquest last night.." I turned to him as I clutched the door handle.

"And why is that?" He seemed surprised.

"Well I didn't want to have to wake up in some chick's house and head over to your place looking like shit. I want Jojo to have a good impression of her uncle ya know"

I shrugged and he smiled and opened the door on the other side and we walked in.


I'm simply updating as I have time and I'm well excited about this story even though there are a few reads :)

Hope you enjoyed it xx

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