Chapter 26

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"Come on man..." I heard Joe and I was annoyed, he had flown to Florida after Smackdown last night for some promoting with John Cena.

I glanced at the clock and saw it was about 2pm. He probably just got back and decided to disturb my sleep.

"What? We have no fucking plans today so I plan on finding my phone and laying in bed all day"

I pulled the covers over me and he took my gym bag off the chair and sat down .

"I guess I should be happy you're not looking for the nearest bar" he sighed.

"When last have I fucking done that ?" I rolled my eyes as we both knew when last..

"Does Zoe know how grumpy you can get when someone wakes you up or does she just know the Jon who is on cloud nine when she's around?"

I wish she could be with me when I woke up..

Did you really just say that?

"Don't get out of hand.." I responded as I knew I smiled a lot but it was only because of hers that was so fucking contagious .

"Anyway you wont be stuck in here all day, you're going out to dinner with us later" he sighed as he glanced around the room.

"Why?" I frowned as I wasn't exactly in the mood.

"Because its fucking Wrestlemania week and yes it sucks that Zoe couldn't be here but we love Wrestlemania week remember? The fans, the atmosphere.."

"And you having your family here with you" I smiled and he frowned a bit.

I loved the Anoa'I clan don't get me wrong but they were all like him asking the usual questions about have I found someone yet or not and I didn't feel like that now.

Back then I couldn't be bothered but now I actually found someone I wanted to be with and I couldn't have her and had no fucking control over it and I didn't need them knowing it.

"They're flying in tomorrow man.. Its just going to be me, you and the little family" he smiled.

I nodded, what also sucked was that at Wrestlemania everyone's families pitched up to show their support even The Undertaker's wife and kids were here all week and it sucked that I didn't have anyone.

No one in the crowd that I could give that smile or wink to.

It had never bothered me before and I wasn't sure why it did this time around..

"Well that's tonight so can you give a brotha some time alone? "

"You can be antisocial with all those people you don't like, not with me! 5pm I expect your ass in the lobby "

"Yeah yeah! " I called out as I heard the door close.

"So have you spoken to Zoe today?" I heard Joe and I shook my head.

Galina had taken Jojo to the bathroom as we waited for our food.

"I haven't spoken to her since Sunday, and I guess she's working early today. "

I glanced at my phone which was next to me looking at the last texts which had been on Monday, I remembered what she said about not pining after me cause she would miss me too much so if she didn't text me I didn't text either as I didn't want her getting upset while I wasn't with her.

I shook my head from my thoughts and that's when I saw Joe eyeing my phone. I set my beer down so I could grab it but he got to it before I could.

I saw eye it and he grabbed it before I could.

"What's this? " he seemed confused as he read and I knew why.

Lunatic in Crime : I miss you x 1000000😭😭😭😭

Me: I miss you so much more without you there is no me 😊😊😊😊😊😊

I finally got it before he could read further.

" Am I missing something very big here?" He turned in the Booth so he could look at me.

"No man, you shouldn't be fucking nosy its not serious.."

I took a sip from my beer as I felt his eyes on me.

" Explain..."

" You know you get those annoying lovey dovey couples? well we wanted to make fun of it that's all"

" You guys are confusing as hell, I don't think you guys should be playing around with your fake couple shit when neither of you know what you are.."

" I don't get why you are making such a big deal we just have a thing besides it was only one day man...."

I sighed as we had just been joking around while I had some free time before my segment.

When we ended up together we would definitely not be one of those annoying couples..

" What was only one day? " I heard Galina and I slipped my phone into my pocket.

"Nothing baby girl" he smiled.

"This is not my floor Joe, look I know I might have been a jerk but that guy was asking for it" I sighed as some guy had said Joe sucked.

Well Roman sucked anyway and I politely told him to go fuck himself.

I just wasn't in the mood as I knew tomorrow would be a real long day and I was still a bit annoyed with Joe questioning our texts.

"It is your floor you're confused and well lets hope that guy doesn't call Vince..."

I rolled my eyes...

"He won't, I saw the fear in his eyes when we acknowledged him" I smiled as the idiot thought we we're just going to ignore him.

" Anyway I am pretty sure my hotel room number began with a 2 and this is 3..."

" You're delusional brotha.." he shook his head as he pat my back and I frowned.

"Funny but have you forgotten I only had one beer at dinner? And I know its not your floor cause Galina and Jojo just got out."

"If it wasn't your floor would this key card be working? "

I sighed as I heard the door unlock even though I swore this wasn't my floor but I guess I was confused.

"Whatever man.. Thanks for making sure I didn't go off on any other fans but you may leave now "

"Okay see you tomorrow! Have a good night" he turned away and I sighed as I opened the door.

"Hey.." she smiled.

"Zoe..." was all I managed to get out as I felt myself smiling even though I was so confused.


This is shorter than my usual updates I know but it's basically just a filler for what's to come...

Zoe pitched up!!!!!!


So all the time they have spent together has been in her town but what's going to happen now that she's with him in his part of life ???

Lets just say quite a lot;)




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