- Men in Uniform -

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I felt strong being suited up like i was in the military. We all wore camo jackets and trousers with hiking boots and backpacks with medical kits and water in them. I tied my hair back into a pony tail and tightened it smiling at myself in the mirror. I picked up the sword and attached it at my waist then strapped a rifle to my back, i had little daggers in my boots and a tiny earpiece and microphone in my ear. "Not bad" i said the weapons and clothes weighted me down but my strength had returned and i felt fine. I made my way down the hall and Newt appeared, "Damn greenie, you look hot" his eyes were wide and he looked me up and down, i couldnt help but feel good at that, he didnt look so bad himself. his sandy hair matched the green clothes he wore and i found men holding weapons very sexy.

We walked to the foyer together and were met by My guard and another guy called Lewis. Thomas, Minho and Atticus were already there and looked the same as we did. Ava was wearing a plain white dress as she normally did and spoke "Ok, you all know the drill. You are not to engage with anyone if you dont have to. Go scout the outside, you will be staying over night to check for any guard patrols but then at first light you leave and report back. Am i clear?"

"Yes Ma'am" we all said in unison. 

We loaded into two cars with no windows, i was in a car with James, my guard, Atticus and Newt. I hadnt been outside in god knows how long. There was snow on the ground! the sky was blue and the air was crisp it stung my cheeks. I inhaled the air and my entire body felt refreshed like it had taken its first breath for the first time. 

The engine roared and the car moved so easily through the snow the wind rushed through my body and adrenaline filled my veins. I hadnt felt happy like this in a long time. My mind raced back to the day in the maze, how simple life was back then, how little i knew about everything and now look at me. Im dressed up for war and we're working together to eradicate wicked. 


i know im a day late. apologies! i've been working on my camp nanowrimo project. and my cousin has been in hospital and stuff so ive been busy.

Also im under 300 followers away from 1000 so if you know anything i can do as a celebration or something on here let me know. thanks guys <3

things in this story are gonna get crazy! im so excited to share more of it with you! I will see you guys next monday, unless you read my Gaara fanfiction then i will see you tomorrow <3 

i love you all so so so much. 

Love Abbie <3

happy writing 

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