"Oh wow, that's great!" I cheered.

"It is, I'm just worried about how my mom will react." He groaned.

I reached over and patted his back, and sighed.

"Can't say I understand because really I don't. But I've known your mom for a little while now and she's an extremely sweet woman. I'm sure she wouldn't be too ecstatic considering you're still in college, but I'm sure she won't shun you." I laughed lightly.

Luke nodded and looked down to the ground. I glanced up to the sky and smiled.

"Luke?" A male voice called out.

We both looked back. A tall, very tan man stood. His hands in his pockets, his hair a mess, and a girl clung to his side. A shorter girl, with a pale complexion, and brown hair.

"Beau?" Luke called.

"Who's Beau?" I whispered to Luke.

"Beau, he's our older brother.. We haven't seen him in 10 years, when our parents divorced Beau went to live with our grandparents. Mom moved here to North Carolina. My dad and I moved to Sydney for a year or two then he met my stepmom, and we moved to Washington." Luke spoke in awe.

"Oh wow." I mumbled in shock.

"Jai only ever told me about you."

"We weren't allowed to keep in contact with Beau. My fathers parents made sure of it. They were awful people." Luke spat.

The Beau dude and the girl made their way over to us. Luke leaped out of the swing and ran to Beau. They hugged for what seemed like years, when in reality it was a couple minutes.

Since they were closer their features were more prominent. Beau had beautiful green eyes, and the girl had really gorgeous blue eyes.

"Who's this girl?" Beau spoke excitedly.

His Australian accent was very thick, compared to Jai and Luke's that was very dull and you could barely tell it was there. I wondered what Jai would sound like with a thick Australian accent.

"Uhm, this is Jai's girlfriend Myla. Myla this is Beau, Jai and I's older brother." Luke spoke, introducing us.

Girlfriend? What? When?

"This is my wife, Amberley, but she likes to be called Amber or Lee." Beau spoke.

"I didn't even know you were married." Luke gasped, and pulled the girl in for a hug.

"We have two children." Amber spoke up.

"Really?! I'm and uncle?!" Luke asked excitedly.

"Yeah." Amber giggled.

"One older boy, and one younger girl. Their names are Nathan and Carlena. Nathan is 15, and Carlena is 12." Beau chuckled.

I stood shyly behind Luke, and glanced at the two foreign people in front of me.

"Where are they now?" Luke excitedly spoke.

"Over there." Beau pointed.

Behind us, a tall boy glanced up into a slide, while a smaller girl came shooting out of the tube. Nathan, I'm guessing, had a strong resemblance of his mother. Carlena, I'm guessing, had a strong resemblance of her father.

"Nathan! Carlena! Come meet one of your uncles!" Amber called.

The kids came running over, and Beau introduced us all.

"Does mom know you're here?" Luke asked.

Beau shook his head no, and Luke gasped. He latched onto my hand, and Beau's hand, and pulled us quickly beside him. Amberley followed us, and grabbed onto Beau's arm. The kids ran behind us.

We arrived at Steph's house, Luke did not stop until we were all in the house.

"Mom! Jai! To the living room now!" Luke shouted.

A door opening and closing could be heard. Footsteps could be heard coming from the kitchen.

Stephanie and Jai appeared in the doorway at the same time.

"B-Beau?" Stephanie gasped.

"Beau!" Jai squealed.

They ran together and formed into a big group hug. I just stood in the back corner with Amber, Nathan, and Carly.

"Hi, I'm Amberley, but please call me Amber or Lee. Also these are Beau and I's kids Nathan, and Carlena." She smiled.

"Hi Lee, I'm Myla, I don't really have nickname. Hey Nathan, and Carly." I slightly chuckled.

"Call me Nate." Nathan spoke.

"Hi Myla, call me Lena!" Carlena smiled.

The small group hug tore apart and and Steph glanced back at us.

"Who's this?" Stephanie questioned.

"Mom, Jai, this is my family. My wife Amberley, and my two kids Nathan, and Carlena." Beau smiled proudly.

I hope one day I can be that proud.


I didn't know how to finish this but oh whale -__- I guess this is good enough.

3 updates in one night because I'm a lazy piece of shit and don't bother with updating because #summerbreak

TherapyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora