"Thank you." I smiled, kind of enjoying the praise I was receiving.

When he let me go I went to go lay down on the bed while he put the book back on the desk.

"I hope our kids get your brain genes." Ashton said and I snorted.

"Brain genes?"

"Yeah. Like I hope they inherit their intelligence from you."

"But you're smart, just in a different way. I may be book smart but when it comes to anything musical I'm clueless. I get so lost when you talk to the boys about anything music related, and so I hope they inherit that talent from you." I smiled up at him.

"You're sweet." He smiled at me.

"But I'm being serious. Being smart isn't everything."

"Well you're smart and you're everything to me, so I'll have to disagree with you there." He said smirking.

"You're such a dork!" I exclaimed, falling back on the bed.

"Oh yeah?!" He teased and jogged over and jumped onto the bed but instead of him going over to mess with me the bed snapped beneath us and we both went tumbling to the floor.

A squeak left my lips as this happened and Ashton flung out an arm in attempt to catch me but it happened so fast and we both hit the blue rug.

"Ow." I rubbed my arm where I landed and sat up alongside Ashton, looking to see our bed lopsided.

"Ashton you broke our bed!"

"It's not broken, it's just needs to be put back in the slot." He moved forward and then sat back.

"Okay yeah it's broken."

The two of us burst into laughter at the circumstance and I went to get the toolbox from downstairs and when I came back up he had his computer out.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I sat down next to him.

"I'm going to do a live stream." He said.

"A live stream?"

"Yeah, it's like a live video so the fans can watch us."

I nodded silently.

'Carter and I are doing a twit cam
in a few if you guys want to tune in!' Ashton tweeted while he set it up on his laptop.

"I still don't understand why you're doing this." I said while I sat beside our broken bed.

"It's fun, plus it gives the fans a chance to see us in our natural habitat." He explained while he typed.

"Natural habitat? We're not animals." I laughed.

"Shut up." He chuckled.

I messed with the broken board, trying to get it back into the slot while Ashton typed for another minute.

"Are we on? Are we working?" He asked. "Can someone tweet me and let me know if this thing is on?"

I listened to him while I realised the screw had popped out and tried to screw it back in.

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