Chapter 21

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The first week had flown by like a soft breeze, easy and gentle.

Ashton had called every night and morning and sent texts throughout the day. We were doing great and I was feeling better about the whole three week break.

Business was still booming and I had worked on the books late one night to discover that this had been one of our best years since mom and dad had passed.

Ender was starting school in a week and I was ready for him to be back with his friends since I could tell he was missing hanging out with them especially without Ashton or the boys there.

But what excited both Ender and I the most was that he was now able to get his cast off.

The Monday of the second week I took him in to Dr. Carson's office to get it removed.

"Take a before and after picture of my arm to send it to Ashton." Ender wiggled in the stiff waiting room chair excitedly.

I snapped a quick picture of his wrapped up arm and went back to reading a book on Blue Whales that was sitting randomly on the table.

"Ender Chase." A dark haired nurse called out and Ender and I stood up, following her back to a small room.

Ender sat on the paper covered table while I took to the chair in the corner.

"Dr. Carson will be here in a few minutes." She smiled after flipping through the papers on her clipboard and then disappeared into the hallway.

Ender kicked his feet against the table loudly until Dr. Carson came in, a smile on his face.

"You ready to get that cast off?" He grinned and Ender jumped off the table, practically bouncing.

"Yes!" He cheered and Dr. Carson laughed heartily.

"Alright come back with me and when you come back you'll be cast free." Dr. Carson led Ender to a different room while I waited for them to return.

I quickly sent Ashton the picture of Ender holding the casted arm up with a cheeky smile that made his whole face stretch.

Ashton replied with a smiley face and then I continued to wait until they came back.

A few minutes later the door opened to reveal an ecstatic Ender and an amused Doctor. Ender stuck his arms in the air and began waving them around wildly.

"I'm free! I'm free!" He cheered and Dr. Carson and I both busted out laughing.

"Come here let me take a picture!" I calmed him down enough to snap a quick picture and then gave him a hug.

"Guess we can resume those boat driving lessons." I smirked and he cheered again.

"Congratulations Ender." Dr. Carson patted him on the shoulder. "Have a great day you two!" He swept out of the room, ready to see more patients.

"Come on bud, let's go home." I led him out of the room and to the front desk signing a form and then out the front we went.

I had sent Ashton the picture of the non-casted arm and got back a congratulations and a bunch of smiley faces and exclamation marks.

It was around dinner time when we got home so I made us a quick meal and we sat by the television as we ate, catching up on Ender's cartoons.

After dinner I washed the dishes and then began to straighten up around the house. As I was fixing the pillows on the couch the sound of my phone ringing upstairs made me jump.

"Ender can you answer my phone please!" I called up to him since he was in his room.

I heard his footsteps thundering down the upstairs hall and then his cheery voice as he answered the phone.

Haven Harbor • a.i. •Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang