Chapter 22

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Annoying beeping sounded off like a fog horn and immediately I cringed. The pressure from Ender's side that was still pressed into me made it difficult for me to reach over and turn it off but somehow I managed.

"Mph." Ender huffed and I rolled him over so that he would wake up but he just flipped over so that he was laying on top of me.

"Really?" I sleepily mumbled and shoved him off so that he fell back on his side. "We gotta get up." I poked at his ribs.

"I can't want to." He whined and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll buy you candy when we're out today." I offered and he shot up.

"Deal." He accepted the bribe and then ran off toward the bathroom.

I chuckled softly and sat up in the sheets, stretching my arms and shoulders out before grabbing my phone.

One missed call from Ashton and a text to accompany it.

'Hey I know you're probably asleep but call me when you wake up. Sweet dreams Carter.' Read the message and without thinking about if he was awake yet I called him back.

"Morning Car." He answered on the third ring and I smiled.

"Good morning to you too." I giggled.

"Sleep well?" He giggled back and I nodded as if he could see me.

"Yeah. And you?"

"I slept fine. So how was your day yesterday? Did you talk to Ender?" He asked. It was moments like this that showed me how much he cared for my brother and I.

"It was good. I talked to him and he took it really well and we are going for an appointment today."

"That's great. Let me know how it goes okay?"

"I will." I promised.

We spoke a bit longer about Ender and then my conversation with his Mum and then said our goodbyes with vows of talking that night.

I quickly got ready and ate breakfast whilst Ender did the same and we headed off to the shop to get our day started.

Before even scheduling the therapy appointment I had created today as a half day so that Ender and I could get any last minute to-do's done before school started in a few days. So that meant we would work from 9 - 2 instead of our typical 9 - 6.

Ender checked the radar and then scampered off to the boat to restock the below deck cabin with drinks and snacks for the guests while they were on the boat. From his enthusiasm and more than willing attitude towards doing work, I could tell he was happy to be back working the boat with me and I was happy to have him back.

During his leave of absence due to his injury I realised how much I enjoyed his company when working and how much I actually needed him.

The door clanged loudly as he thundered back in and jogged up to the desk counter, plopping down on to the stool next to mine.

"Tour group is coming up the docks." He announced and I nodded, slapping the side of the ancient computer to get it to turn on faster.

"How has that thing not died yet?" Ender remarked and I sighed as the home screen appeared.

"I have no idea."

The chiming of the bell proclaimed the arrival of our first tour of the day, which consisted of a family of four.

"Welcome to Chase Marina Tours! How are you guys this morning?" My voice changed into one of a perky tour guide as I greeted them and began the half day of tours.

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