Chapter 39 P1/3

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We walk out of the classroom and turn left down a hallway. We are walking relatively close.

Cameron breaks the silence by saying "A date with the Sophia Mathews. How did I get so lucky?"

I turn my head away from him and laugh.

"Oh don't worry Soph I didn't see you smile." He says.

I turn my head back to look at him.

"I'm not allowed to see you smile 'cause then I'm going to see how red your cheeks get from blushing." He explains.

"Oh shut up." I nudge him.

"You've probably seen me blush plenty of times already Cameron." I respond.

"Not nearly enough Sophie." He answers sweetly.

A small laugh leaves my mouth. I turn my head impulsively. I'm just use to doing it every time.

He sees me do it. He says "Sophie stop."

He reaches his hand and guides the bottom of my chin towards him.

I smile and for a split second think... It wouldn't be that bad to date Cameron Watters.


So I get home and I immediately text Liv and ask her if she wants to FaceTime.

I'm so lucky that I already feel so close to Liv. If you really think about it we really haven't known each other for that long.

We FaceTime and I explain to her exactly what happened. Like second by second. She freaks out when she hears that he asked me out. She freaks out even more when I say "I said yes."

She starts shooting out every question that pops to her head. I'm pretty sure I hear Maddy's name more than 5 times.

I just ignore the questions because Maddy isn't on my mind at the moment Cameron is. I'm thinking about how Cameron might be terrible for me, but I want him so bad.

He messes with my head. How can one person make me feel so many different things?

I think about all the crazy things that happened to me and all that I did. He always had to save me.

It keeps slipping my mind that I kissed him in the janitors closet. Was I just caught up in the moment? Or did I really want to kiss him? Mmmmm...

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