Start from the beginning

I law down on the bed and he pulls me into his arms, with me on my stomach and my head on his chest. "Is this where you try to get into my pants?" I ask him.

He laughs, "There would be no trying involved. If I wanted in them, they'd already be on the floor."

"Oh, so now you don't want to have sex with me?" I ask.

He grabs my hand and puts it on his crotch, "Believe me, I do. Just not with my mom in the other room."

I quickly pull my hand away, "You are such a pervert!" Holy crap, do they all come in that size?

"Thank you," he says. "Now, I'm going to sleep. I know I'm irresistible, but please try not to molest me again like that Gianna."

I shift position to lay on my side, facing away from him. "Whatever." He is so cocky.

He pulls me into his arms again, spooning me from behind, laughing into my hair, "I'm sorry princess."

"No you're not. Goodnight Caleb," I say grumpily.

"Goodnight beautiful girlfriend," he says.

That's the problem with players. They always have the charm to go with the good looks.


When I hear Gianna's heavy breathing, I know she's asleep. I still can't believe I have a girlfriend now. I think I was doomed from the start. She had me at 'get off me asshole!'. If I had to have a girlfriend, only someone as awesome as Gianna would do. It's not just that she's beautiful, but she's also cool and fun to be around. Even if she is mad at me half the time. That's okay, because I know I deserve it.

I've never cuddled with a girl before, but I kind of like Gianna in my arms. Okay, I like it a lot. I like knowing that she's mine. Josh, Seth and Jared are suckers! I've never felt protective of a female before, besides my mom. I like Gianna a lot and I have a feeling that this is going somewhere serious. The player part of me is freaking out, but I can't let her be with anyone else. The only way to prevent that is for her be my girlfriend. I guess I'm okay with not dating other girls. I do have the most beautiful girl in the world.

I wonder how my dad and Julie are going to take this? Probably not very well. I know my mom noticed us holding hands, but she didn't say anything about it. She's cool like that. Of course Gianna isn't her daughter.

I'm nervous about having sex with her. I stay away from virgins for a reason. Girls put a lot of importance on their first time and I don't want to fuck it up for anyone. I want to have sex with her now, but I have to make sure she's ready. I also want to make it special for her.

I kiss her on the head and whisper in her ear, "Good night princess," then I let go of my worries and go to sleep.

When I wake up at eleven the next morning, Gianna is still asleep. I quietly get out of bed and walk to the kitchen. My mom is in there cooking breakfast. She never does that, "Mom, why are you making breakfast?"

"For you and Gianna. Which reminds me, what exactly is going on between you two? I saw you two holding hands last night and she slept in your room. I don't think stepbrothers and stepsisters normally do that," she says.

"No, but boyfriends and girlfriends do," I say.

"What? YOU have girlfriend? Don't get me wrong, she's gorgeous Caleb, but do you think it's the best idea to break your own stepsister's heart?" she asks.

"Why would you say that? Who says I'm going to hurt her?" I ask.

She looks at me seriously, "Caleb. I love you, you're my son, but I know how you are with girls. I'm just trying to be realistic here. Besides, how do you think her mother is going to feel about this?" she asks.

"Her mom is sort of intense when it comes to Gianna. She had her in high school, so she wants everything in Gianna's life to be perfect, including Gianna herself. But, I don't care what her mom says about it," I say defensively.

"Well, like it or not, Gianna is only sixteen years old. Her mom still has a lot of say in what she does or doesn't do," my mom says.

"We aren't going to tell her or my dad yet. And they'll just have to get used to it," I say.

"Well, I'm here for you two if you need me," she says doubtfully.

"We appreciate that," I turn around and Gianna is standing in the doorway. How long has she been standing there? I hope she didn't hear the part where my own mother called me a player.

"Good morning Gianna, come sit down. I made you guys breakfast," Gianna sits down at the table. Her hair is still all messed up from sleep, but I think she looks cute like that. "So, what are you two going to do today?"

I look at Gianna, "I don't know, whatever Gianna wants to do." My mother raises her eyebrows at my comment. Jeez, am I usually that selfish?

Gianna looks at me nervously, "Well, Cece and some of the guys were going to check out 16th street and see if there is anyone up for a cypher. I thought maybe we could go."

"What's a cypher?" my mom asks.

"It's when a bunch of breakers get together and freestyle," she says.

"Gianna's a b-girl," I tell my mom in between bites.

"Oh, that sounds like fun! Well you two have fun," my mom says. I can tell she likes Gianna, despite any doubts she has about me or Gianna's mom. She probably thinks having a girlfriend will keep me out of trouble. I see Gianna as more of a partner in crime.

Gianna and I take turns getting ready in the bathroom. When we are walking to my car, she calls Cece to find out what the plan is. The rest of them are already down there. I wonder if Jared will be there? I think it's funny that I stole Gianna right out from under him. He's either figured it out and is pissed, or he is dumb enough to buy the protective stepbrother act and thinks he needs my permission to date my stepsister. After last night, now he'd be asking to date my girlfriend. This should be interesting.

We park near the 16th Street Mall and walk the rest of the way. When we get there, a group of people are already crowded around the street dancers. I recognize a few from the crew. When we walk up, Cece and Jared come up to us.

Jared gives me a weird look and says, "Gianna, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"No," I tell him.

He gives me an annoyed look, "Caleb, I know you're her stepbrother and all, so I don't blame you for trying to protect her, but I've been her friend longer than you've known her."

"I don't care how long you've known my GIRLFRIEND," I say with a smile.

Jared looks at Gianna, "Is this true? Are you two together?"

"Yes," she says, not looking at him.

"What are you thinking Gigi? You can't date a guy like him. I asked Taye about him and do you know what he told me?" Jared asks her.

"No, and I don't want to know!" She tells him.

"Fine, then I'll tell you this. I love you Gigi. I have for a long time. He doesn't love you and he never will. He'll get tired of you and throw you aside like he has to many girls before!" Jared is practically yelling at her. And she says that I'm not romantic. I can see that Gianna is ready to cry and Cece puts her arms around her to comfort her.

I've had enough of his crap. I push him and say, "Fuck off man! I don't care what you've heard. You don't even know me."

"I don't need to know you. All I need to know is that Gianna should be with me, but instead she's wasting her time with a loser like you. I've looked out for her the best I can for years and you just come along and decide to make her you next conquest," Jared says.

"She means more than that to me," I say through clenched teeth.

"Yeah, for how long?" Jared asks. Obviously there's only one way to shut him up. I punch him in the face, but he recovers quickly and punches me in the gut. We go at it for a few minutes, before some of the guys break us up because some police officers are walking down the street towards us. We're both pretty roughed up, but I'm pretty sure I won the fight. Punk-ass.

I look around to find Gianna, so we can get out of here, but she's gone.

THE BAD BOY AND THE CHEERLEADERWhere stories live. Discover now