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Time jump...
Six weeks later, Jane is just over eight months pregnant

Maura pov...

I wake up in the middle of the night from a jolt in the bed, I look at Jane and she is sitting up holding her stomach. I ask "are you alright?"
She says "our baby wants to say hello"
I say "let's get you to the hospital then"
She nods and I grab the bag we had ready for when Jane went into labor, I help Jane to the car and we drive to the hospital.

We walk inside and a nurse quickly comes over to us for a wheelchair for Jane. We are taken into a room and a doctor comes in after a few minutes and examines Jane and asks "how long have you been having contractions?"
Jane say "just overnight, it woke we up when it started to get stronger"
The doctor says "well you are progressing quickly for a first time mother as you are already 7cm dilated so it shouldn't take too long now"
We nod and the doctor says "I will come back soon, call if you need me before then"
Jane says "it's a good thing we had decided on our baby's name"
I nod and say "it was good timing".

Jane pov...

I ask Maura "should we call people now and tell them"
She nods and says "the first person we should call is Angela"
I nod and we start calling people in order we call Ma, Frankie, Korsak and then we call some people we are close to at our jobs and Cavanaugh. They will all get here when they can.

An hour passes and the doctor comes back and says "you are ready to push now"
It takes almost two hours of pushing before our baby boy is born. Our baby is cleaned and checked as healthy before being passed to me to hold and then Mau.
After a little while a nurse comes in and says "you have some visitors waiting for you"
We nod and they leave before everyone we called comes in and Jane say "we want everyone to meet our baby boy Rowan Barry Rizzoli-Isles"

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