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Jane pov...

After the call I go ask a guard to take me to the person in charge. They take me to him.
I go in his office and he says "inmate Jane Rizzoli I'm Andy Watson"
I say "hello"
He asks "how are you?"
I say "not the best, my best friend and ex partner from work just died"
He types away on his computer and looks back at me and says "you have caused no trouble and are a role model inmate, I would like to offer you a one day pass to be able to attend the funeral. Would you like that chance?"
I nod and say "yes please"
He nods and says "there are three conditions you will have to follow. You need to be on your best behaviour, you will have two guards with you they will have you always in sight but don't need to be next to you and I want you to be with your girlfriend. Do you accept?"
I nod and say "thank you so much"
He smiles and say "no problem, lets us know the details and we will sort everything out"
I say "I will"
He says "okay, I will talk to you again soon"
I say "okay, thank you. Bye"
He says "bye" and I am taken back to the cell to wait for Maura to call again.

After an hour Maura calls back and I am given the phone. She tells me "he had already planned for his funeral because of the dangers of the job. He is having a small funeral in two days time at Trinity Church. Korsak is sorting out photos and Frankie is dealing with photos. His parents are going to be able to make it back on time for it, his dad is in the Navy so we didn't know if he could but he will arrive tomorrow"
I ask her "would you be willing to watch over me the entire day if I came for it?"
She says "of course but how can you?"
I say "I have been given permission to get a day pass to attend the funeral under some conditions"
She says "so I get to see you back here"
I say "yeah, if only it was under better circumstances"
She asks "what are the conditions for the day pass?"
I say "it's just I have to be on best behaviour, two guards will be in my sight at all times and I have to be with you for the time"
She says "I like the last condition"
I laugh and say "me too, I will be there for the day so I will see the others and I don't know if I can handle all their questions, I can't tell them about where I am on a day for Frost"
She says "don't worry it will be fine, they will be happy to see you and the questions would come later so they might not have time depending on how long you stay"
I say "can you please not tell them I am coming or else they will expect it and have questions straight away"
She says "of course. Angela is here to check on me so I have to go, talk you to tomorrow"
I say "bye love you"
She says "love you too bye Janie"
And we hang up.

I am escorted back to Andy and I tell him the information and he can now start to organise everything.

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