Liam pulled the truck to a stop at the old abandoned gas station.  He felt uneasy and had trouble maintaining his power at a calming level.  But from what little he had learned from his Hope; she was head strong and if he hadn't agreed to help her then she would have gone off and attempted it all by herself.  

     Given that, he had little choice in the matter.

     "They're over there," Hope said, barely above a whisper. 

     Liam looked over in the direction that she was pointing at and spotted the three shadowy figures.  He had no doubts that Joey was one of them.  "I don't like this," he told again.

     Hope turned to him and cupped his cheek affectionately.  "I know."  She leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips, "But you're going to help me anyway, right?"

     Liam looked away from her.  He covered his face with his hands and wished like hell he had the balls to just start the truck and peel out of the parking lot, refusing to allow Hope the chance to put herself in this type of inexplicable danger.

     But, he couldn't.  He couldn't find it within himself to go against her like that. 

     So, he was going to do the next best thing; even if Hope didn't like it.  He would do whatever it took in order to keep Hope safe..

     "Be careful," he growled out, refusing to meet her gaze.

     Hope's breath hitched and she wanted so badly for Liam to turn around and look at her.  She wanted to take one last look at his strong face, with those knowing eyes and that angular jaw of his, his nose which was slightly upturned and his high cheek bones.  She wanted to burn that image to her memory because she felt certain that with that image, she could find the courage to get through anything that the Secret Service may try to put her through.

     He didn't turn and with that realization, she was hurt.  Sighing, she opened the door and slowly stepped out of the truck.  It was now or never.

     "Hope." Joey called out when she rounded the front of the truck, "Long time no see."  He couldn't believe how easy this was. Bringing in a female lyric would surely earn him a promotion in the ranks, the fact that it was his ex-girl friend was besides the point.

     Hope glanced up to see Joey smiling at her; it was a sickly smile that made her stomach turn.  If it wasn't for Bethany, then she would no doubt have used her power to blast him back to the pits of hell where he belonged.

     Standing in front of Joey and his other rats, she held out her hands.  "You wanted me, you got me," she said, meeting his burning gaze.  "Now you can release Bethany."

     Joey smirked.  "I could," he stated; seemingly amused, "But what would be the fun in that?  I've always heard that two is much more pleasurable than one."

     "You ass," she snapped at him and started for him only to feel a bruising hand pull her back.  Before she could blink, Liam was there; standing in front of her; glaring at Joey.

     "Liam, fancy seeing you here.  I would say that I'm surprised but honestly, I'm not.  I would have been disappointed it the pretty boy didn't show his face."

     "Can it Joey."  He pointed his finger at him, "You better listen and you listen good because this is the deal--  You let both girls go and  you get me," he paused to gauge his reaction before adding the one thing that the Secret Service has been searching out for years now, the true source of their power.   "And," he let out a breath, "You'll also get the amulet."

     Joey stilled and narrowed his eyes on Liam.  "The amulet, as in the amulet." he stressed. 

     Without wavering, Liam confirmed, "Yes, the one and only-  but," he reminded him, "I want your word that Hope and Bethany goes free.

     Realizing what all Liam was offering, she grabbed the back of his shirt in desperation and cried, "No!  Don't do this, not for me."

     Liam paid her no attention,  His focus stayed centered on the man in front of him.  "Do we have a deal?" He asked impatiently.

     Joey stroked his chin, considering the offer.  After a long minute he finally nodded his head, "Deal," he said plaintively.

     Watching Liam step forward, Hope screamed louder this time, "NOOOOOOOO!"  But all was for naught.  Her cry fell on deaf ears.

Set Fire to The Rain -- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now