Part One: Chapter One

Start from the beginning

Esme dove inside and was welcomed instantly by the elderly woman behind the counter and a sweet refreshing scent. The woman was familiar with Esme and didn't need to be asked what ice cream she was after. As soon as Esme was armed with her mint and chocolate ice cream she was outside again. She settled on the bench beneath the massive oak and relaxed her body before she began to scoop from the little pot. It was sweet and cool, instantly relieving some of the heat she felt clinging to her.

As she ate happily, she didn't quite notice she wasn't alone any more. Not at first anyway. Shimmering beside here was a vague shape that distorted the bench, warping its wood and iron. A curious whistle came from the strange distortion.

'Good afternoon Absolon.' Esme said with a gentle smile.

The sprite tilted its head and suddenly he popped into existence. Sprites, the most common and youngest stage of any spirit, were funny creatures that often took on odd shapes and sizes. They never appeared the same. Absolon was a round thing with tiny feetless legs and a head that was covered in a long pointed hood. He was completely white and glowed constantly with his deep pale blue eyes blazing against his white features. He was a familiar sight and one of the true friends Esme had.

Absolon had been with Esme since she was small. She knew the Everwood was filled with sprites and spirits, a hive and breeding ground of the pesky creatures, and she'd seen a couple back in a home country, Emprise du Soliel, but she didn't think she'd befriend one. After two weeks went by after her arrival, Absolon turned up. He'd whistle at her, follow her and help her in away he could. It was the nature of Watchful types to guide, help and protect and he'd never stopped, even after fourteen years. She'd named him after her father and he seemed to recognise the name now, even if he chose to ignore her sometimes.

Absolon floated over to her, gazing at her intently and Esme was quick to realise what he was asking. She held out a small scoop of ice cream for him. He picked it up with an arm that extended out of his round body and pushed the scoop of ice scream into his white face. Instantly he sang and twirled happily. It wasn't long before he wanted more and she complied until suddenly she noticed others.

Standing no taller than a rabbit was another sprite. It was thin, almost droopy like, green in colour and covered in small brown mushrooms. A tiny blue and white speckled one popped up on the bench and seemed to wobble like water. A vibrant red companion with a large gold leaf covering its face was behind it. Often the sprites colour, texture and bodily growth showed what they were so Esme assumed they were wood, river and autumn sprites.

Esme scowled. Sprites were just as bad as the pigeons when it came to begging for food. No, sprites were worse as they didn't even need food.

'You're not allowed any. Absolon is my friend.' Esme said.

Each sprite tilted its head in curiosity and the river sprite tried to cheekily reach out and take the pot.

'No.' Esme said firmly as she stood and grabbed her bag haughtily. 'Come along Absolon.'

She strode away, her heels clicking as she went. While Absolon whistled and followed after her, fading in an out, the three sprites stared curiously before vanishing quickly. Esme glanced over her shoulder, pleased to see them gone, and carried on her way.

She gazed upwards at the massive tower that loomed over the city as she ate her ice cream. The Ivory Tower. She didn't know exactly how big it was but it reached far into the sky. At the bottom was a small village where the Wizards boarded and the primary, secondary and college schools stood, teaching future young Wizards. The university was on the lower floors, hidden in the thicker rim that held the Tower firmly in place. The Tower itself held the rooms for the Wizards of Lakeside, the research labs and, at the highest point where the birds wheeled in the sky, the Grand Wizard's apartment where Esme and her aunt lived.

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