Time, distance, I was here....[28]

Start from the beginning

“Yeah, yeah the fee is $200 dollars including the hotel rooms, breakfast, lunch and dinner the stay is for 2 weeks, and you have to take your own spending money” I said reading off the letter.

“So yep” the bell rang.

“Bring them in tomorrow signed and the deposit” I said wiping down the board.

“Yeah okay see yah’ miss M” the class mumbled I nodded my head smiling.

They were more than a class I remember when I taught them for the first time there old teacher didn’t give a crap they failed every exam and they had lost faith in themselves so obviously I helped them and they started to get better we went through everything together they was a suicide, deaths we all hanged on and went through them together giving each other support I think that’s why they didn’t disrespect me I gave them respect and got it in return.


I walked into the house putting my bag on the floor I plopped onto the sofa and yawned I took of my heels and rubbed my feet they hurt after a long day of hard work.

I smelt food cooking in the kitchen and smiled “mamma! Holly’s cooking food!”

“Oh really” I said.

“yeyyy! Mamma can wi’ I have a kwiss’?” Tristan asked grinning sheepishly.

I giggled “of course my little prince get over here” I said.

He grinned and ran to me sitting on my lap and pointing to his cheek I gave him a peck and then pulled him into a hug.

“Cwistmas! We gwona see swanta’?” he asked.

I nodded “of course baby”

“Wauntie’” I heard 2 voices unison.

I saw holly’s twin’s walk towards me I grinned “hello my darlings” I said pecking there cheeks.

“Hwello’, we gwona’ see swanta’ tomorrow” Aiden grinned his green eyes covered in excitement.

I nodded “of course”

Tristan……my son.

Oh yeah did I mention I gave birth to Brent's son,

Funny, huh?

I have no idea why the birth pill didn’t work but I guess it didn’t, how Tristan survived the big claws of Sierra is beyond me. I wish I knew the pill didn’t work before I decided I wanted Brent in me, we could’ve just used a condom.

The twins had blonde hair and bright green eyes, I could tell the differences’ because Aiden’s hair was lighter than Ethan’s and Aiden’s face shape was more like matt whereas Ethan looked completely like his Mum.

Tristan jumped of my lap “lwets’ go plway’ with the snow” he said.

“Boys put your coats on” I said sternly “its freezing outside” I mumbled standing up and reaching for the coats on the coat hangers I took them down and zipped them up on each of the boys.

Tristan had brown hair and greyish brown eyes they were beautiful his face shape was exactly like Brent's he was gorgeous.

Brent I missed him there wasn’t one day that I haven’t thought about him was he okay?

Did he miss me as much as I missed him?

I closed my eyes stopping the tears I had to be strong.

Of course he tried to search for us, I knew he would he still loves me….right? We had no scent Jinsu’s ideas weren’t the worst I took a pill every month and gave one to the rest of the house it made us lose our scent so nobody could track us.

I stood up and yawned “I'm just having a nap holly ill be down in a while” I mumbled.

“Okay” she chirped happier than she was this morning……or every morning I guess my little pep talk worked.


me agaiin! :D! hows that for "shock" ;)

also im finishing Zed and Evas story (i didnt say it would be long LOL.....no thats not funny im cruel dont worry i have like 20 chappys of that left) and My mate has cancer thats it really ;)


Thanks guys, take care.



His love changed me (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now