Risen Betrayal

403 13 2

11's POV

I went up to Near's door and knocked on it three times, hopefully Near would answer it calmly. I found it to be unlocked when Near didn't answer it. Of course, it would be locked if he were doing something private. When I went inside, I saw one of the men dressed in all black with a uniform similar to Watari.

They held a knife in the hands close to Near's neck as the other covered his mouth with a rag. Suddenly, I saw that he fell unconscious. I just stood there in shock, unable to do anything or say anything.

"We work as Misa Amane's bodyguard part time and are part of the Japanese police. Near, is now arrested as attempting murder," the one with the knife explained, retracting the knife from Near's neck.

"Wait, we were going to arrest Misa Amane who had actually murdered people and was proven to be Second Kira years ago by the great detective L! Near was his successor and continued with the case!" I exclaimed.

"That's not what the note said," the one with the rag said, pulling out the death note, where Near had written down Misa Amane's name and the day she died.

"That...That isn't Near! It was me! I did it! It was my idea to write it down but my hand hurt from translating so I had Near write it down!" I exclaimed as the one with the knife laughed.

"Try all you want, Princess. It's not going to work. Or should I call you, Anastasia Abbott, also known as Amber by Ms. Amane, and by Wammy's House, 11?"

I was shocked as I heard a familiar laughter as the person removed his hat and dark clothing, revealing a chocolate loving blonde.

"Mello?" I asked as he just laughed.

"What are you going to do without your knight in shining armor, 11? I guess I won the game! I guess who ever remains an idiot stays an idiot so why don't you just sit back and relax as your prince attempted to save you from the treacherous tower?" Mello said and held the death note in his hands.

"Now I get it's power once and for all! I've been waiting for this day..," Mello said. I felt almost paralyzed as I couldn't move. The other person in the black took off the coat and everything to reveal it to be Misa Amane herself.

"Haha! Amber Abbott, wasn't it? Oh, should I say, Anastasia?" Misa Amane asked as I quivered in fear. Misa held the death note in her hands and Mello had a gun pointed at me.

"Mello...to think, that I trusted you, even for a few days..," I said as Mello continued to laugh.

"That just proves of how much of an idiot you are," Mello said with a smirk on his face. He pulled the trigger and Misa took out her pen as it was a millimeter next to the death note.

"Don't you want to remain with Near forever?" Misa asked as I gulped, hoping something would happen.

"Rester! Lidner!" I heard Gevanni's voice exclaim as Rester came, smashing through the window and had a pair of handcuffs, pinning Misa down to the ground, causing her to drop the death note without writing anyone's name.

Lidner and Gevanni came from the front door as Lidner shot the gun out of Mello's hand and Gevanni carried Near to the infirmary.

"Mello, you must have thought I was on your side. The truth is, I used to. Attempting to kill 11? Enough," Lidner said and shot him in the arm, causing him to writhe in pain.

"Huh, I never pinned down a girl like this since-" Rester was cut off by Lidner walking over to him and slapping him in the face.

"Idiot. You never say those things to a girl," Lidner said and pointed her gun over to Misa's forehead. "Now, tell me why you were planning on killing both 11 and Near? Ms. Amane?"

"Killing Near, was obvious after what he did to Light. Killing 11? Just revenge for mere betrayal!" Misa asked as Lidner kicked her in the face.

"You killed my comrade, you killed people at your choice! Acquaintances of mine, friends, family, even! And if just a mere betrayal ticks you off just like that, take a look at me!" Lidner yelled at Misa as I just stood there, baffled at what I saw.

"You may want to step aside, 11. Let the adults handle this. Besides, Lidner looks like a Shinigami when she's this pissed," Rester said and chuckled, taking out his own gun.

I nodded and stepped out of the room. I decided to run to the infirmary where Near would be. However, before I reached the place, I heard yelling and two gunshots. Possibly tranquilizer darts, from what I guess.

I made it to the infirmary and saw that Near was fine, with a few injuries from Mello; which I didn't seem to spot. "Did Rester handcuff and arrest Misa Amane?" Near asked as I nodded.
"And did Lidner shoot Mello?" I nodded once more. "And, they are currently battling?" Near asked as I nodded again.

I noticed that there were Legos sitting on his lap. One of each character in the room.

"Mello will be unconscious due to loss of blood, but kept alive," Near said and kicked Mello's Lego with Lidner. "Misa will contact her actual bodyguards and they will outnumber them," Near said, adding more Legos in black clothing like Mello and Misa were earlier. "I contacted Gevanni to bring in the Japanese Task Force in so it would be an even fight," Near said.

"Wait, won't lives be lost?" I asked as Near shook his head.

"I'll only end up gassing the room, knocking them out unconscious. I will arrest all of the people wearing black, including Misa and Mello. Soon later, I'll bring back the SPK members and the Japanese Task Force back here like they were never unharmed," Near said, as he had a control in his hand and pressed the red button.

After about a minute, he had Matsuda put them all in handcuffs and carried away to the jail. Near took the members and put them in the infirmary calmly.

It seems, we had won again.

My Name..? (OC X Near)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon