Konto Region in Japan

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11's POV

While dreaming, I started to have flashbacks back of the orphanage. I was at least 9, I guess. It's how I grew to think of Near as my ally.

It was a normal day in the orphanage, Mello and Matt were being their normal selves around me. "...11..," I heard Near say quietly while doing his puzzle as Mello and Matt continued to make fun of me as I stared at my two index fingers as my tears landed on my knuckles. They continued to call me names like Weak and Dumb.

At that time, I used to think that Weak and Dumb were my actual names.

"11," he said slightly louder as he turned to look at Mello and Matt, with a sort of glare.

"What, you're defending this idiot?" Matt asked, crossing his arms. Near continued to sit down as he glared at the two.

"Come on, Near your ranked to be the successor of L with me! Don't waste your time," Mello smirked and bit a piece of his chocolate. Near had finished the final piece of his puzzle and sat cross-legged, facing me.

"We both know, Mello, Matt, that bullying someone both younger than you and incapable of fighting back is an unfair and due to large circumstances...," Near said and twisted a curl in his hair a bit which was usually his habit.

"..It can be considered evil or a crime," Near said and sighed. "Anything considered evil or a crime, I believe, would not be a worthy successor of L."

"G-Gah!" Mello exclaimed in anger and stormed off.

"Wait! Mello!" Matt called out and followed him.

I leaned against the window as I usually do and sighed in relief as tears bursted out of my eyes in agony. I was what they called me. I'm weak, dumb, an idiot. Now I had a new name for them to call me.

"11," he said my number again as I turned to look at Near, destroying his puzzle so that he would be able to put it back in the box. My eyes widened as I wiped my tears and got up to face him.

"U-Uh, thank you, for what you did, Near," I said as he stood up once and faced me. He was a person I knew who rarely even stood up.

"Again, we should all be allies here. Watari had told me about your past, you don't need to be called those names, 11," Near said and threw the box of the puzzle aside. "Then again, having no name at all would be better than having the names that Mello and Matt have given you."

I nodded and shyly looked down on the floor with my hands in my pockets. "I-I would like to be friends with you, Near," I said and bit my lip and continued to look at the ground as I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"In this case, we should all be friends. But in a cruel world like this, 11, it's not your fault for being like this. If I become the next L instead of Mello, I'll make sure to stop all the crimes that would ever happen, again," he said.

"Lunch!" Roger exclaimed as the dream ended, but it was the only actual memory that I could recall during my dream. But, I think that the time of peace was never a thing for me.


"11," I heard Lidner's voice say as I fluttered my eyes open to find myself sitting in a chair of an airplane. "We have to go," she said as she got our bags and I followed her into the airport.

All the people here were speaking a different language which I was confused with. Watari at times spoke this language. Near seemed to have learned it, too. We all did in the orphanage, since L was supposed to go to Japan for the Kira case.

"Where are we?" I asked Lidner. She sighed as she looked at the people here.

"Japan," Lidner responded as there was a man holding up a sign that said Halle Lidner on it. We walked towards that man who gave us a ride in a limo. Soon after, I found myself looking at some sort of headquarters that I couldn't understand because the titles were in Japanese.

"You're going to see Near," Lidner, or Halle told me as a sort of smile appeared on my face. "I'm going to say that you were part of the orphanage, correct? You're known by 11 and have no other name?" I nodded again.

Halle had a strict look on her face that seemed to have softened a bit. "You must be excited to see a childhood friend," Halle said as I nodded and looked outside the window, looking on how we were going through some sort of dark tunnel that almost scared me.

Then there was some light as the limo was parked in a certain area. I continued to follow Halle as she put her hand print on a scanner and opened a door as I followed her. After a lot of twists and turns, we found ourselves in a headquarters with a lot of monitors around us.

Out of the three other people inside, the one person I could recognize was a by my age, sitting on the floor, completing a sort of puzzle.

"N-Near!" I exclaimed as he turned around to face me. His modest expression still hasn't changed.

"11," he said and curved his mouth a bit to look like a smile. I grinned back and a man that was unfamiliar came and brought me something which seemed to be a brown envelope.

"Wait, what's this?" I asked Near. He continued to twirl around the curl of his hair. I see, his habit had never changed.

"Directions to your room, just incase. Also, maybe some background information on your parents," Near said and smiled.

"There are four things in there that I have missed on your birthday," Near said as my eyes widened in shock.

"N-Near..," I said and opened the brown envelope to see a map of the whole building as I walked by myself to my room. I crashed onto the bed that was just my size as I held the brown envelope close to my chest. I couldn't help but wonder, why Near would care about a measly girl like me when he was the successor of L?

I carefully took out a slim piece of paper and inhaled deeply.

My Name..? (OC X Near)Where stories live. Discover now