4 Gifts

912 26 5

11's POV

Mr. And Mrs. Abbott. Murdered by Kurou Otoharada who has killed 4 other people and has kidnapped 8 students. He died on November 28 from a heart attack and Kira, who is also known as Light Yagami.

I was shocked at the information as I put my hands over my mouth to prevent myself from gasping. The person who murderer my parents, died? I'm actually a bit, happy? No, this is murder. And from Watari, Kira is the enemy.

That was 1 out of 4 of the gifts. I turned to look at the next piece of paper.

Plans for me written by my parents.

If you are reading this, my child, I plan for us to spend the whole day together! Oh, you and your daddy and I will almost never part! You are our beloved child and I cannot wait for you to be my child. Mommy will give you hugs and kisses each day! And when you grow up, we'll still give the love and care that you need!

Love, Mom!

I have already known that we're having a daughter. And for that, I cannot wait for us to be bonding as a family. I'll love you no matter what. I'll protect you from harms way. Daddy will also bond with you as much as he can, okay? I love you, sweetie.

Sincerely, Dad

My tears landed on the paper as I started to sob. I turned the letter back into the brown envelope before I could get any more of it wet. I had two more gifts left as I carefully got out what was in a small bag.

I opened it up to find a necklace that was decorated in red gems and even had a locket in it. I decided to open it without hesitation and saw a picture of what looked like my mother and father.

I held back my tears as I looked at the last gift which was a letter from both Watari and Near.

Dear 11,

As you know, I'm not able to see you while I'm in Japan. But I want to greet you a happy birthday. I hope that you are safe in the orphanage and Roger is looking out for you. I hope that Mello and Matt have slowed down their bullying which is very bad. Even though you may not be special in the brain, your still special in the heart.



I am aware of you being the lowest rank in the orphanage. However, you should be happy that Mello and Matt are now gone. I am sorry about your loss of Watari and L. They have both meant much to all of us. The least I can do is greet you a happy birthday. But I also have some advice. If the world ever strikes at you, do not strike back which does not prove you are strong. It proves how arrogant you are. When the world strikes at you, remain calm and face it.

P.S. You, the number 11, each 1 does not stand for you alone. One stands for you alone, the other stands for someone watching over you. You are both in other hands, however, very much alike. They can also meet when wanted by who's controlling them.


I couldn't help but read Near's message one more time. I quickly put it away when I sat upright and stared at my hand and stuck out both of my index fingers and looked at it with the meaning that Near had given me.

"This one is me..," I thought as I wiggled my left index finger. "This one is the person watching over me..." I thought as I wiggled my right index finger. "They're both in different hands...left and right.." I looked at the two index fingers and raised one eyebrow.

"They're...identical..?" I thought in my mind as I put my two fingers into an X shape. "And... they'll meet?" I asked myself and quickly put away my index fingers and put the brown envelope on my bedside as I laid down on the soft pillow, not able to sleep with the letters I received.

3 out of 4 of those people are dead. Mom, Dad, Watari. I sighed as I put my hands on my stomach and stared up at the ceiling. It wasn't long before I heard a knock on the door.

"Hello, Ms. 11? May I come in?" I heard Halle's voice ask. I smiled and got off of my bed to open the door. She had a box in her hand that looked as familiar to me. Something like, a puzzle.

"Near had wanted me to give it to you. He said that once you finished the puzzle, read the message," Halle said and handed me the puzzle and left. I looked at it and it seemed to be one of those milk puzzles that were all white.

"I'm not that smart," I muttered and opened the box, to see that the pieces were different from what I had seen. Instead, they were white pieces but had black words on them.

I dug through the box to find the corner pieces and for the side pieces. Before I knew it, I had a frame. From my perspective, it looked like it was trying to send a message with the black letters.

I tried to dig into the box to find the correct pieces and somewhat succeeded. I was able to place them down one by one as the puzzle was completed, revealing a message as I said.


You've heard of the Death Note by Watari, right? I had burned two of them. However, there is one more. The SPK have reasons to believe that this Death Note is with Misa Amane, who is also known as the Second Kira. If possible, you must get the death note from her. 11, I know that you weren't smarter than everyone else in the orphanage, but that doesn't mean you're useless. You beat Linda on the scoreboards more than once. It just turned out that the final exams showed you to be lower than her. Misa Amane is currently on her tour to meet fans around the Konto Region in Japan. You will take this cell phone and when you click on the number "1" twice, then it'll send an alert by texting the number "11" to the SPK. Lidner will escort you in and out but cannot come in since Ms. Amane already knows who she is. The tickets for a meet and greet are there and I'll be on the phone at all times. I'll be watching over on the satellites.

P.S. Please scramble puzzle for no further evidence.


I took his advice and found the cell phone from the box and put it in the pocket of Roger's sweater. I put up the hood and scrambled the puzzle up and put it in the box. I walked out of my room and gave it to Near as he looked at me and nodded.

"I'll see you soon, 11," he said as he returned to the monitors in front of him. I nodded and waved.

"Same here," I said and followed Halle into the limo a second time.

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