Breakfast AU

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I never do AU's.. Here it goes. Sorry its so short, but at least its a update. I never right in this style, so....

         My mama don't like you and she likes everyone.... Aelin hummed in time with the song, casually booty-bumping the kitchen draws closed, Fleetfoot standing nearby, hoping she dropped something.  The mid-winter light flitted in the lofts windows, shimmering with falling snow. When Rowan had announced that his boss was closing up shop for New Years Eve, Aelin immediately began thinking of doing something nice for him, and judging by the hickeys he left on her shoulder, he had been, too.  Aelin quickly poured the pancake batter on the sizzling pan, hoping her commotion didn't wake up the sleeping beauty in the other room.

       She looked down at her hands and frowned, flour and egg coated them all over. Resisting the urge to wipe them on Rowan's shirt she made her way to the sink, Fleetfoot padding her way over. "Justin Bieber? Really?", said a gruff voice, Rowan. Aelin smiled broadly, but didn't turn, "I happen to like this song." She could feel him smile from the back of the room. He flipped the radio of and began walking towards her. Aelin showed him her favorite finger, and continued to clean the egg out from under her nails. Rowan slinked his arms under hers, crossing them over her stomach. "You were supposed to sleep in, Row." He nuzzled her neck, "Fireheart, you're not really quiet."  She shrugged, turning off the faucet, "At least you get to enjoy my presence."  He growled, tugging her closer to him, "Oh, I think we can do a lot in the time given." Aelin's face flushed, and she turned and poked him in the chest, "Hush, I'm making you a nice-" She couldn't finish, because his lips had locked tightly onto hers. 

             Every single coherent thought was blown away, as he opened his mouth and brushed his tongue against hers. She made a noise of pleasure as he wrapped his hands under her legs, hoisting her up on the counter. She broke the kiss and began pulling off his shirt, shaking her head as he tried to assist her, "Let me." Damn. Her hands shook as she tossed his shirt, his lust filled green eyes caught hers. He caught her in a warm kiss, running his hands through her long hair. He moaned as she lightly bite on his lip, he untangled his hands from her hair and reached the buttons of her shirt, he looked at her, always putting her needs before his. She grabbed his head and whispered in his ear, "Yes. Yes." The first button came off then- The fire alarm was blaring above them, sprinklers soaking them in an instance. Rowan let out a deep sigh and let go of her shirt. He dashed out of the kitchen to turn off the fire alarm and sprinklers.

   Two hours later, after mopping up, and explaining to their super what had happened, Aelin and Rowan sat at their slightly damp table. "Now Rowan, close your eyes." He groaned, "You had better not be cooking. " "Haha." Rowan smiled and obeyed. Aelin opened the fridge,  and sat stuff down on the table. "Open!"   Two bags of take-out sat on the table. Rowan let out a thunderous laugh, "As long as its not your cooking."

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