Rowan's Return

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    All rights to S.J. Maas. Rowans POV of him and Aelin reuniting. Some rewriting of 28-29.

                       Rowan Whitethorn could smell her, he was so close to her. Aelin. He was so damn close. These few weeks apart had ripped him to pieces, and he was only a few blocks away from his Queen. What would he say when he saw her? What would she say? Those thoughts had pestered him since he ducked off the ship that he had stowed away on. Suddenly hushed voices interrupted his thoughts, Aelin's voice. Fighting the urge to run for her he continued walking, not wanting to look like an attacker and end up with a dagger in his neck. The talking became louder the closer he got, and stepping through the mist he saw her. Aelin froze along with her two companions.             He grinned, she was here. Suddenly Aelin was in his arms, sobbing, shaking, and laughing. He pressed his face in her neck, breathing in her scent. She seemed alright, uninjured. "How did you get here? How did you find me?" Aelin withdrew, her beautiful eyes studying his face. He smiled, "You made it clear that my kind wouldn't be welcome on your continent." His eyes flicked to Aelin's companions, one male, one female. They shifted rather uncomfortably, eyes flicking everywhere but on them. This only made him smile more, then he continued, "I stowed away on a ship. You'd mentioned a home in the slums, so when I arrived this evening, I wandered until  I picked up your scent."   He scanned her face, " You have a lot to tell me." He said, and she nodded. He had missed her so much, but he wouldn't admit that, yet. Rowan gently pushed back a strand of her so he could see her face. She let out strangled sound, and Rowan noticed a new scar. Softly he said," But you're not hurt. You're safe?" Aelin nodded, and pressed her head to his chest, "I thought I gave a direct order to stay in Wendlyn." "I had my reasons, best spoken somewhere secure." He pressed his lips to her hood. "Your friends at the fortress say hello, by the way. I thin they miss having an extra scullery maid. Especially Luca especially in the morning." Aelin laughed, and squeezed his arm. The tears still streamed down her face, " Why are you crying?" Rowan pulled back, but Aelin only gripped him tighter. He had been dreaming about this since the day she had left Wendlyn, holding her in his arms. "I'm crying," she sniffled, " because you smell so rutting bad my eyes are watering." Rowan laughed, and Aelin pulled back. "Bathing is isn't an option for a stow away, Princess."  The male, behind of Aelin looked him over, but those eyes... He knew those eyes, a brilliant blue with a band of gold. He must be her cousin, Aedion.              "Are you just going to make them  stand there all night"  Aelin raised a brow," Since when are you a stickler for manners?" She turned and slung a slender arm around his waist, her touch vibrating through his skin. Her cousin gave him a deadly stare, one that would have usually made Rowan knock him on his ass. Aelin rolled her eyes, and pinched his side. "Let's get inside."


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