Start from the beginning


Oh my god! This is hilarious. I can totally tell that Caleb is freaking out in his head. I can't believe he's buying it! Like I'm just going to go whoring around for the fun of it! When I have finally have sex for the first time, I want it to mean something.

He starts driving again and when we get home, the house is quiet. He says, "Hey, you know, this is number ten on the list. Ditch school. This isn't really your first time ditching is it?"

"It's the first time without my mom's permission," I tell him. "But, I'll probably have her excuse this one. I'll tell her I wasn't feeling good."

"It doesn't count if you do that," he says. "Plus to ditch school and only go home is lame. Some other time we are going to do it right."

"So, should we go back to school?" I ask.

"No. Do you want to watch a movie or something?" he asks.

"Sure, but I get to pick it," I say and head over to the DVD collection in the living room. I pull out '28 Days Later' and put it on.

After I push play, Caleb says, "You like zombie movies?"

"I love zombie movies, but this is not a zombie movie. First off, they are not dead. Second off, I don't think they eat people. They have 'the rage', so they just want to kill everyone in sight who isn't inflicted with the rage also," I say matter-of-factly.

"Okay, you lost me somewhere in the middle. Sorry, that speech just got too boring," he says.

I glare at him, "You are such an ass."

"Thank you. What if I get scared Gianna? Are you going to hold me?" he asks.

My first thought is to call him an ass again, but then I think better of it. I am supposed to be playing the part of player protégé. Instead, I look him up and down and finally settle my eyes in his crotch and ask, "Where exactly would you like me to hold you?"

His mouth drops open in shock, then he closes it. He opens it as if to say something, then closes it again, then opens it again and says, "Princess, you're asking for trouble."

I look at him with a blank face and say, "Wouldn't it be like a lesson of some sort?"

He looks thoughtful for a moment as if going through some sort of internal debate, then says, "I don't think that's a lesson you need to learn yet."

I shrug and say, "Whatever, I guess I'll learn it soon enough." I go to the kitchen to get us something to eat and drink. When I come back, Caleb is laying down on the couch, so I sit in front of him on the floor, with my back against the couch.

Soon after the movie starts, Caleb starts playing with my hair. I say to him, "I wonder what my mom would do if I dyed it black."

"Probably dye it back to dark blonde while you're sleeping. Don't dye it though, I like it this color," he says.

I turn around to ask him why and he leans up and captures my lips with his. I kiss him back and he pulls me up onto the couch to lay on top of him. I suck the bottom part of his lip into my mouth where he has it pierced. He groans and pushes his hips up against mine. I gasp and start kissing him on the neck. I get to where I gave him a hickey yesterday and laugh.

"What's so funny?" he asks.

I sit up and say, "I guess the hickey didn't work. It didn't stop that girl this morning from throwing herself at you."

He smiles, "No it didn't. Actually, I have a date Friday night too."

"What?" I say while jumping off of him. I am so pissed right now. Maybe I don't have a reason to be mad, since I have a date also, but he started it! He was flirting with that girl, before I agreed to the date with Seth.

"What's wrong? Jealous?" he asks.

"No. I would never be jealous of a guy like you. Who was that girl anyways? What's her name?" I ask.

He thinks for a second, "You know, I actually can't remember her name. She did put her number in my phone, so I guess it's in there."

"You know you're horrible, right?" I ask him.

"Hey, I thought you wanted to be just like me?" he asks.

Dammit, I forgot about that, "You know what? You're right, jeez I suck at this player thing." Then I get an idea, "Hey! I have a great idea! How about we all go out on a double date on Friday?"

"A double date?" he asks skeptically.

"Yes, a double date. How better for me to learn from the master?" I ask.

"A double date?" he asks again.

"Just say 'okay," I tell him.

"Um . . . Okay?" he says with a painful look on his face.

Good, I think to myself. I'm going to ruin his stupid date. He thinks he can just keep kissing me and still mess around with other girls. I think not. I mean, what the hell? He kisses me and then is like, oh by the way, I already have plans to be kissing some other girl on Friday and I don't even know her name. Screw that!

THE BAD BOY AND THE CHEERLEADERWhere stories live. Discover now