Taehyung: should i ask him ???????

Jungkook: What, if you guys should date?

Taehyung: yeah, bc until now its just been fucking and a few kisses and cuddles but we havent rlly talked abt anything srs

Jungkook: Yeah, talk to him

Jungkook: What's the worst that could happen?


"Jungkookie, I haven't seen you in forever!" Seokjin envelops him in a tight embrace, providing temporary warmth and protection from the cold.

"It's been, like, three weeks," Jungkook laughs, slightly embarrassed at his hyung's enthusiasm. "That's not forever."

Seokjin snorts, mussing the younger boy's hair. "I haven't seen you since your birthday. It's almost been a month."

Jungkook shrugs, a small smile inching onto his face as Seokjin links their arms. "Whatever. What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. Go shopping, maybe?" He rakes his eyes over Jungkook's outfit, a smile blossoming on his lips. "I see you're wearing my sweater again."

"It's comfortable, okay?" Jungkook argues as he looks away, flustered. "Don't make fun of me for it."


Both males try on several outfits (Jungkook chokes on his saliva when Seokjin comes out wearing very tight black jeans with rips in all the right places) before buying one outfit each. They're walking to a coffee shop to grab something warm to drink when Jungkook brings up the Mario plushie.

"Hyung, do you remember when you left to go on that show and you gave me this sweater?"

Seokjin glances at him, perplexed. "Yeah."

"So when you gave it to me," Jungkook begins, hiding his hands in the warmth of his pockets, "there was this Mario plushie keychain in one of the pockets." When Seokjin blinks at him expectantly, he continues, "So I was wondering if you put it there on purpose."

"Maybe," Seokjin smiles. "Do you like it?"

Jungkook nods. "Yeah. It-It's cute."

"Keep it." Seokjin pulls on the strings of the sweater that Jungkook is wearing to tighten the neck. "It's cold, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Jungkook agrees, pulling the hood up over his ears.

Once inside the coffee shop, the two sit at a table with their drinks, a mocha latte for Seokjin and hot chocolate for Jungkook. Seokjin is very touchy with Jungkook, which he doesn't mind at all, but there is something else that bothers him.

Whenever Seokjin runs his fingers through Jungkook's hair, or lightly brushes his fingers over Jungkook's face, or even fits their palms together and laces their fingers, there's something missing. There's still the initial jumping of Jungkook's heart whenever Seokjin is around, but after that, it's gone. There's no giddy happiness, or heart pounding excitement.

Even when Seokjin hugs him later that day in front of his apartment building, Jungkook doesn't feel anything. He enjoys the hug, he enjoys being in Seokjin's arms and inhaling his scent and burying his face in the elder's shoulder, but there's no more nervousness.

And that terrifies Jungkook.

What if he doesn't like Seokjin anymore? Jungkook wants to like Seokjin— But does he really?

Seokjin doesn't have any romantic feelings for him, so why should he have any feelings for Seokjin?

It makes sense, he thinks, as Seokjin's hand lingers at the back of his neck. His unrequited feelings for the elder are slowly dissipating. It's only natural.

So he says a giggled bye as Seokjin pokes his cheek, and goes into his apartment, relishing in the coziness of Seokjin's sweater as he curls up on his bed and tosses his bag full of new purchased clothes on the ground near his closet.

His fingers gravitate towards the Mario plushie on his bedside table, and he pulls it closer, kneading the soft fabric as his eyes droop shut.

A reminder that he has an assignment due today at midnight tickles the back of his mind, but he's almost finished with it; he can take a quick nap, right?

His breathing becomes rhythmic, and he falls into a light slumper, thoughts of Mario and pink lips occupying his mind.


A/N: idk I really liked this chapter (but I didn't proofread so excuse any typos)

it's almost 6:50 in the morning, and although I technically have school today (my last day) I'm not going bc it's pointless and I'm gonna go back to sleep for a few more hours after I publish this

please vote and comment, I really appreciate it! thanks and see u guys next chapter!

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