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Seokjin and Jungkook spend several hours the next day in Seoul (the teenager making sure to tightly encase his neck in a woolen scarf to cover all the love bites), purchasing cheap jewelry likely to be forgotten in a few weeks' time, eating food from street vendors (Even Seokjin, one with extremely high standards for food, is delighted by the fascinating tastes), and marveling at the vastness of the city.

The pair returns to their hotel room a little later than planned, and their drive back to Busan is further delayed when Jungkook decides to pepper soft kisses along Seokjin's jaw, resulting in breathy giggles as the two fall onto the bed and do a little more than just kissing.

An hour into the car ride, a question pops from Jungkook's mouth: "Hyung, are we dating?"

Seokjin's plump lips curl up into a faint smile. "Is that a trick question?"

"So yes," Jungkook says unsurely, a giddy excitement bubbling up in his gut as he stares at Seokjin for confirmation.

The elder sends Jungkook a glance as the vehicle decelerates to a stop. "Yeah."

"C-Cool," stammers the teenager, masking his blushing face with his scarf and silently squealing with happiness.

"Cool?" The van starts moving again.

"Yeah. Cool."

"Anticlimactic," Seokjin mock pouts. "I was expecting at least an 'I love you.'"

Jungkook snorts, slightly embarrassed. "Just because I've said it a couple times doesn't mean I'm gonna say it every single waking second we spend together."

"I'm hurt." Seokjin lightly touches his chest. "I thought you loved me."

"I do!" laughs Jungkook, shaking his head at the elder's childishness.

"You what?" Seokjin asks pointedly. A mischievous lilt dusts his cheerful tone.

Jungkook playfully narrows his eyes, catching on to what Seokjin wants, but decides to comply. "I love you."

"There we go," Seokjin exhales happily, tone still one of a joking manner. "I knew you loved me."

"What, you aren't gonna say it back?" Jungkook demands, laughing.

"I love you, too, Jungkookie."

The sincerity with which Seokjin says those words makes a warm feeling spread through Jungkook's chest as he swallows, ducking his head in embarrassment. He hides his face in his scarf, his heart squeezing as he thinks about how much he loves Seokjin- and as cliché as it sounds, Jungkook is certain he couldn't live without him.

"You good?" Seokjin throws him a glance.

"Yeah," Jungkook says quietly, voice still slightly dampened by the wool of his scarf. His toes curl as his stomach flips nervously, and he says, after moistening his lips, "I really love you, hyung."

Seokjin doesn't say anything, but the smile on his face says enough for Jungkook.


"Hyung, can I stay over at your place for tonight?"

Seokjin peeks at the electronic numbers flashing on the dial, which indicate that it's 11:31. "Sure." He blinks lethargically. "But don't try anything, I want to sleep. And that's it."

"I won't-"

"Honestly, teenagers and their hormones-"

"I won't!"

The van bumps over the poorly paved road as they near their destination. "Fine."

They arrive at Seokjin's apartment about fifteen minutes later, dragging their suitcases behind them and letting out huge yawns. The screen of Seokjin's phone screen lights up with a notification, and the elder checks it. "Oh!" he exclaims loudly, making Jungkook jump. "Namjoon's music video drops tonight at midnight," he explains happily. "We need to watch it."

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