"M-my b-bunk mates." I stuttered, as he released my chin, fists falling to his sides.

"I'm going to get them expelled." He seethed as he turned back to exit the room.

"Wait!" I called out as I grabbed his arm, making him turn around and glare at me. "You can't get them expelled!" I exclaimed making him roll his eyes.

"And why is that? Making up lies about our facility, officers, and what goes on around here is against RAF rules Woods." He countered, still balling his hands into fists.

"I understand, but it's my fault for believing them. Any normal girl wouldn't have...but I never had a friend..." I trailed off, grimacing as I clenched my teeth to finish my sentence. "that was a girl."

"That doesn't mean I still can't expel them." He said making me grip his arm tighter.

"Yes it does! It will make me look like I fall for traps too easily and don't have enough common sense to do what's right and what I believe in! It will bring me into it, and they will most definitely argue that I was dumb for believing them. Which I was. I wouldn't be surprised if I was let go from the program for believing such nonsense." I explained, huffing at the end, while letting go of his arm. He grumbled to himself for a few moments before sighing and turning towards me.

"Fine, I won't expel them, but I'm requesting you get your own room."

"Woods!" Payne yelled from outside my bunk with girls, making me groan as they wiggled their eyebrows at me. I had just returned from dinner and all they had been asking was how Payne was in the simulation room. Although I groaned at the interruption from Payne, I was almost happy to get a few moments away from them.

I opened the door to see him smirking with a piece of paper in his hand. "You've got you're own room. Start packing." He said as my eyes went wide, and I turned around to grab my suitcase, shoving everything in at once, actually thankful to be out of here.

"What?! Why does she get her own room? She's only from District 24." Riley sneered making me glare at her. I just knew she'd be a snob since she was from a rich district.

"Because she doesn't go around spreading lies about her officers and their jobs!" Payne yelled back as Riley clamped her mouth shut immediately.

I snickered from across the room and shoved the last of my clothes in my suitcase, before setting it on the floor. Payne motioned me out of the room, slamming the door shut once we were both in the hall.

"I don't know how you even made it through one fucking day with them. What snots." He said making me laugh.

"I'd have to agree." I mused as he led me to a door right next to his bunk hall. He pulled out a key, shoving it into the lock, before opening the door, revealing a room about the size of a toilet. It had a single cot, nightstand, lamp, chair, and a small dresser in the corner, similar to Payne's bedroom at RAF Halton.

"Wow. This is the first room I've ever had to myself." I said as I rolled my suitcase in and sat down on the bed which was surprisingly pretty comfortable.

"Yeah, well it used to be an officer's room before we got the bunk hall." Payne explained as I nodded my head, looking around. He then sat down in the chair in the corner making me cock an eyebrow at him, expecting he had somewhere to be. "You're going to be seeing a lot more of me from now on Woods." He said after a few moments, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, first off, you've got to learn to trust your officer. When we go up in that jet together, I'm not going to have you second guessing what my intentions are or if we'll get back safe. And I don't want to second guess those about you either." He explained making me purse my lips.

"I still don't get why that means I'm going to be seeing a lot more of you."

"Well," he began as he leaned his elbows on his knees, getting closer to me, "I'm going to be here, right in this chair, every night until you fall asleep, and right here when you wake up in the morning. Because then, once you can fall asleep knowing I'm right here, and wake up with me staring at you, in this room with just the two of us, alone, we'll have our trust." He smirked making my eyes go wider than ever before.

"Isn't that, like illegal?" I asked as he began chuckling, making me nervous.

"If you believed that officers getting their fixes was legal, inside a facility with guards with guns, how can you think this is illegal?" He asked making me look down at my feet as he stood up.

He walked towards the door, setting his hand on the knob before turning back to look at me, letting out a breath of air.

"You know I never would mistreat you...right?" He asked with a hint of sincerity in his voice making me look up at him.

"Yeah." I nodded my head slowly, still having to process what he had just asked.

He smiled before opening the door and exiting, making me stare at where he just was and ponder his question.

If I knew he wouldn't hurt me, then why I did I believe he would try to in the simulation room? I wouldn't have been able to answer 'yes' just now if I hadn't had just a tad of trust for him. Maybe we were already making progress? But then again, all he did was lie about me at the other camp. If he really wanted me to trust him he'd have to start telling the truth.

After almost five minutes of just pure contemplation, the door was slammed back open, revealing Payne in pajamas and carrying a pillow. My mouth gaped open as he locked the door and sat down in the chair, putting the pillow behind his head and staring at me.

"Now? We're starting this now?" I asked, at least expecting one night of this room all to myself.

"Sleep tight Woods."

A/N: Totally forgot to update last night (oops)

Question of the Chapter: Do you think Payne's way of trying to get Cameron's trust will work?

Altitude ~Liam Payne AU~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя