I began to grow frustrated with each passing word that slipped out of my mouth.

"Jinhwan. We want you get us money from the residence. No one is living there except the daughter and her maid, so it should be fairly easy. We did our research."

Are they freaking crazy?!? They're insane!

Wait... they still don't know that I'm the maid -_- Might as well use this to my advantage somehow.

Before I could come up with a reasonable response to decline, I heard Y/N's footsteps coming down the stairs.

"U-uh I have to go. Bye." I immediately hung up and slipped the phone into my pocket.

"Who was that?" Y/N smiled at me warmly, making my heart flutter for the millionth time.

I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "Nothing," I smiled. I'll tell her later. I don't want anything to ruin today.



"Let's go," he grinned at me as took my hand in his and led me away.

"You drive?" I laughed.

He narrowed his eyes at me slightly but still kept his gaze on the road somehow. "Why is that surprising?" he asked with a slight laugh. [A/N: Imagine him trying to drive omg XD]

I stared at him and his godly handsome yet pretty features before smirking. "Because I thought you'd be too short to reach the gas pedal," I mocked.

He scowled at me but laughed. "Rude."

"Just kidding! It might be because you're not supposed to even have a car?!" I gestured at the car we were in as he mouthed an "oh."

"I have friends at school now, you know?" he smirked.

I glared at him playfully but was still astounded by how he had my school wrapped around his finger like that. But then again, that's just the charm of Kim Jinhwan, isn't it?

"But why did they decide to lend you their car? It's a nice one, too," I mused.

"I have my ways," he replied with a smile as he turned into the vast, bustling parking lot of the mall.

Jinhwan and I walked near each other through the doors, hands occasionally brushing. "So, what clothes are you looking for, Mr. Kim?" I asked, pretending to be an advertiser.

He tapped his chin thoughtfully. His eyes lit up unexpectedly, and he grabbed my hand and dragged me into a random store I didn't recognize.

I glanced at all the racks and shelves in approval. "I like."

He laughed at me before disappearing between the racks of clothes. I sighed and wandered around the big store, glancing at random pieces of clothing.

"May I help you today, ma'am?"

I turned around to see a somewhat familiar face: the teacher I ran into at the bathroom. I frowned at her, noticing how she didn't appear to look like an employee. "Oh, no thank you. I'm just here to help a friend."

"Oh! What for, if I may ask?" I glanced at her awkwardly. Is it normal for people to be this questioning?

"Um... just a party."

"Is your friend a boy? You must have a boyfriend with that face!" I blushed at her words and prying.

"Um, no. I don't have a boyfriend," I laughed as I stared at the ground in discomfort. Jinhwan get back here.

"Hmm. I'll lead you to these anyway! I think they'd look great on anyone!" Her enthusiasm seemed a bit superficial, and I just found myself smiling forcefully. She grabbed my hand roughly and dragged me to an area in the store I hadn't seen.

I glanced at the clothes, but my eyes caught the price tag. Everything here was listed in the hundreds and up. Is she crazy?! Who buys a plain T shirt for this much??

I looked up at the lady skeptically. "Uh, thank you. I think I'll... look around."

She nodded and replied, "if you need anything, I'll be here."

I nodded and began to flip through the articles of clothing but felt a heavy gaze on me. I looked up to see the "salesperson" still standing in the same spot, staring at me with the same fake smile.

"Um... can you-"

"Y/N!" I heard Jinhwan call from somewhere in the store.

"Jinhwan?" I glanced around for him and found nothing (because he's short). I turned back to where the lady was, but she was gone. "Weird," I muttered.

"There you are!" Jinhwan bursted out of a rack of clothes, holding his own pile.

I smiled at how overwhelmed and cute he looked holding everything. "Did you find anything?"

"I think I like these. Will you watch me try them on?"

"Mhm sure!"



My jaw dropped as I watched him come out of the fitting room with a fancy shirt, which made him look oh so delicate. I shook my head out of his trance after realizing I was staring and most probably drooling.

"Hmm... I like you a lot, Jinhwan," I blurted. Oh. My. God.

He snapped his head up at me in an instant, and I felt myself blush. Hard. "What did you say, Y/N?"

"I-I-I SAID I LIKE IT." I frantically put on my best poker face, but I knew I was already redder than the blood surging through my heart.

He stepped closer to me with clouded eyes, so I couldn't exactly read his expression. I stepped back, but he kept stepping closer until I hit the wall and his chest was against me.

I literally can't breathe right now. Someone save me.

He peered at me and leaned in closer so our faces were inches away. We were practically sharing air at this point. In an instant, I felt his lips against mine. Just as fast as it happened, he pulled away. "I like you a lot, too," he whispered before going back to the mirror like nothing happened.

I gaped at him, feeling my heart pound against my rib cage. I touched my lips, feeling more confused than ever. "W-wait, Jinhwan! What just happened?"

He peeled himself away from the mirror to face me. "Will you accept my feelings for you, Y/N? Will you accept me as your boyfriend? I like you a lot. I understand how you feel about relationships, though, so I don't want to pressure you. But I promise I'll treat you like a princess. I'll treat you better than you can even imagine. I promise. I know I probably don't even deserve someone as kind and beautiful as you, but I can't help my feelings for you, Y/N."

My heart swelled at his words. I stared at him with wide eyes. I can't believe this. "Jinhwan..."

"I initially wanted to confess to you today somewhere more romantic, but I got scared. Instead, it came out like this," he laugehd bitterly and hung his head in embarrassment.

"Jinhwan." I stepped closer to him and held his face. He stared at me with vulnerable eyes. "I can't..."

His eyes dropped to the floor, and it felt as if his heart fell with them. "I-I'm sorr-"

"Jinhwan," I interrupted with a firm voice. "I can't accept you because you have to accept me first. I confessed first, albeit on accident."

His head snapped back up as he stared at me with wide eyes. "Wow, I really hate you, Y/N!! I think you just broke my heart with that joke."

I laughed and pulled him in to a hug. "Sorry, Jinhwan. I'll make it up to you, okay?"

He pulled away a little and brushed my hair out of my face. "Are you my girlfriend?" I smiled and nodded confidently. He leaned in again, kissing me with more passion than the peck earlier. "Then you already did."

[A/N: Sobs I am so slow over the summer T~T Sorry loves. Hope this lovey dovey chapter makes up for some of it!]

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