Those weren't the only things Lauren had noticed and found intoxicating. The way Dinah's eyes crinkled around the edges, dimpled adorably every time she smiled, how she would reach a hand up to cover her mouth when she realized she was laughing extra loud, how her eyes were a lighter shade of brown like toffee in the morning sunlight. When Dinah would kiss her she, always sucked on Lauren's bottom lip and it made her swoon. Lauren loved all of Dinah's details, she always had, and she felt privileged to notice and learn more. She felt lucky to see this new side of her.

Lauren awoke bright and early Monday morning with her best friend wrapped in her arms for the third day in a row, snuggled in the blankets in Dinah's bed and curled against each other. She squinted into the dim sunlight hearing her phone's alarm blaring annoyingly. Reaching over to turn it off, she looked up noticing Dinah was already awake, her soft eyes coaxing the remnants of sleep from Lauren's mind. They focused on each other and lazy grins broke their sleepy faces in cheerful halves.

"We shouldn't have stayed up so late last night," Dinah said covering her mouth as she yawned.

"Then what were you doing awake already silly?" Lauren smoothed a hand over Dinah's hip under the blankets mindlessly and the blonde snuggled closer into her touch.

"Feeling lucky," Dinah breathed softly, the smile dying on her lips as she gazed into Lauren's sleepy eyes, filing every minute detail of them to her memory.

There was that secret again. Lauren loved how she could see it twinkle, shining brighly in Dinah's eyes for her only.

"Oh really?" Lauren mused before leaning down to trap Dinah's lips.

They both instantly melted into the kiss. It seemed like they had been doing this forever, the way it felt so easy. It just fit. Like something familiar, but exhilarating all the same. Every time their lips met Lauren was sure she felt dizzy like the world was moving just for them. It was intoxicating.

Lauren sighed as Dinah sucked on her lip, drawing it away like she liked, and stroked a purposeful hand down the small of the blonde's back just ready to trail it lower before her phone's alarm blared into the quiet room again. The dark haired girl pulled away from the torturous kiss, sucking her own teeth loudly as she turned over to snatch up her infuriating device, making sure to switch the alarm to off this time and not just hitting snooze. She turned back to Dinah with a sheepish grin.

"I have never hated a Monday so much."

Dinah giggled at her best friend before giving her pouty lips a quick peck.

"I can definitely say the same. Too bad we can't stay in bed forever."

"I mean... we could always skip," Lauren purred, capturing Dinah's lips again and dragging her bottom lip away with her teeth teasingly.

"Lauren "grammer geek" Jauregui wants to skip school?" Dinah pulled away from Lauren in mock shock, receiving a slap to what was supposed to be her arm.

Lauren gasped as she realized she had accidently slapped Dinah's boob and immediately reached up to cradle the offended breast gently in both hands. Dinah remained frozen for a few seconds with her jaw dropped before she burst into childish giggles.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Dinah I didn't mean to," Lauren apologized knowing the slap had probably hurt since her own palm was stinging slightly. She leant down and began placing kisses on the poor abused boob as Dinah continued with her giggle fit. "I'm so sorry," Lauren spoke in her baby voice to Dinah's boob between kisses, her head hidden under the blanket.

"I really shouldn't be as turned on by that as I am," Dinah said, only just starting to calm down before she felt Lauren wrap her lips around her stinging nipple and lave her warm tongue over the tip, and Dinah was suddenly anything but calm.

The Art of the Game (Laurinah)Where stories live. Discover now