Chapter 59 - An Evolution

Start from the beginning

"What the hell Jake I thought you were Carl!" I yelled

"Na, but we both know you like me better." He said coming closer to me.

"What are you taking about? Carl and I are engaged and have a son. Something me and you will NEVER I repeat NEVER have." I said

"You know you want to." He grinned pushing me closer to the counter.

"Jake stop or else." I threatened him.

"Or else what? Gonna kiss me?" He asked still grinning

"Jake I don't wanna hurt you now back the fuck up." I grit my teeth together as I'm now pushed against the counter and its shoving into my back.

"Awh your so cute when you threaten people." He said and before I could move to grab my pocket knife he grabs both of my hands and slamming them both behind me. Now I was officially pissed.

"CA-" I start to scream but he moves my arms holding them with one hand and covering my mouth with the other. I hear he should of a blade and know it was him.

"Yell for Carl and I'll kill you." He whispered poking my side with a knife. I couldn't believe what was happening to me. Jake was always the nicest guy and now he's a psychopath.

"Don't move or yell or I will stab you." He said and let go of my mouth. He pulled out something from his pocket putting them around my wrist.

Zip ties.

"Now, Carl is feeding Ethan, so we are gonna take a little trip to the abandoned house down the street. Got it?" He asked. I knew I don't have a choice. It was late and pitch black outside. I knew I had no chance of someone seeing me. He jerks my body towards the front door and he quietly opens it.

"Walk." He whispered and he's now yanking my arm as we speed walk down the street.

"What's wrong with you Jake?" I asked seriously

"You know what's wrong? You and Carl. It's bullshit." He spits

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask

"I love you way more than he does and you don't even care! Well I will show you how I care for you more than him." He said pulling my arm harder.

"Your a fucking piece of shit asshole. Rot in hell." I spit at him as he yanks me inside the house.

A/N: oooooo that profanity though!!!

"Dam you are a sailor." He said shutting the door. He pulls out a chair and pushes me down on it.

"I'm going to get something don't move!" He saids while tying my feet to the chair. With my combat boots he had a struggle so I silently laugh until he gets it. As he walks away I hear footsteps. But not walker, human. I look around frantically until a hand goes behind me mouth.

"Shhhh, Jess. It's me." He said letting go

"Shit Carl you scared the hell outta me!" I whisper yell back.

"How'd you find me?" I ask

"He's not good at sneaking out." He said pulling out his knife. He cut my wrists loose and same for my feet.

"Come on." He said and I grabbed his hand and we jump up and head to the door.

"Freeze!" A voice calls from the back of the room. The click of a gun is made and we both stop right in front of the door.

"Turn around and drop your weapons." He said. And as we turn around and drop out knifes I see he's holding something. 


It can't be.

He doesn't.


"Jake give me back my baby." I barely say loud enough.

"Why? The fun has just begun!" He smirks holding a gun to my baby's face.

"Stop!" I yelled as he moved the gun closer to his face.

"Oh relax I wouldn't do it unless you made me." He smirks.

"Now both of you sit." He said. I look over at Carl and he is so calm for the situation.

"Now!" Jake yelled and we move to the seats.

"Good. Now, who wants to go first?" He asked and my eyes go big.

"I'll take that as a volunteer." He said looking at me.

"Give me back my baby." I say to him

"Or what?" He asked.

"Gonna curse me out? Haha." He laughs evilly.

"No but I might." A deep familiar voice came from behind me and he froze.

"Drop the gun and give me the baby." Another familiar voice said.

"No." Jake replied.

"You can't make me."

"Wanna bet?" The voice asked again and while his attention was on the guys Carl pulled out a gun from his pocket. He aims and pulls the trigger shooting him straight in the head. The other figures rush in front of him catching Ethan. I was in such shock I didn't move. I see Rick and Daryl step into the small light and Rick is holding Ethan.

"Jessica?" Daryl asked

"Daryl?" I jump up and hug him.

"Thank you." I whispered holding back my tears. I didn't want them to see me cry so I held them.

"You guys ok?" Rick asked handing me Ethan.

"Yeah, how'd you find us?" I asked

"I told you he's not good at sneaking out." Carl smirked

"You went to get them didn't you?"  I asked Carl

"Yup. When I heard you guys leave I knew I couldn't do it alone." He said

"But wait! How'd he get Ethan?" I asked

"Must have snuck back into the house and grabbed em. Sorry we didn't see him. We were waiting for his signal which he never gave!" Rick said looking at Carl.

"My bad." Carl replied.

"Yes stupid it is your bad!" I say playfully punching his arm.

"Told you we couldn't trust him." Carl said as we walked back to the house.

"I'm sorry I doubted you." I said as he locked the door to the house.

"Let's get some sleep." He said and with that taking Ethan to his room and shortly coming up to ours. I was already in my pjs when he came in.

"Hey. You ok?" He asked getting into the bed with me.

"I don't know. Just seeing that gun in our sons face scared the hell out of me." I said

"Me too. I'm just glad we are all ok." He said kissing my forehead.

"Goodnight." He said breathing out heavy one more time.

"I hope so." I replied.

A/N: can I just say like wtf is wrong with me? I don't know why I did this but I did and I'm not sure if I like it. I just kinda kept going as it began to grow ya now? I think it moved fairly quickly but ah well. Lol see you on the next update. Byyyyyyye ;)

              ~ Jessica 🎈😎💝

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