Fine I'll go.

So we're all set.

Yes we all said.

Hey Serena can you get me a water bottle from lunch line please.

Why ,I asked?

I forgot to get it,while we were talking.

The line is long remember I said to Dawn.

It shouldn't be that many people left so you should be good.

Ok I'll be right back.

I then left to get dawns water bottle.
Dawn's Pov
Once Serena left I started talking about our plan.

She's gone so you all know what to do,I asked everyone.

They all nodded at Dawn.

Ok look around quickly for weirdo before Serena comes back.

Everyone started looking around for weirdo until I saw weirdo walking to the exit.

There,he's walking out to the exit.

Where,Gary said,I pointed at the exit.

Go before Serena comes back.

All the boys left the table and went after weirdo,then Serena came with the water bottle.

Hey where's are the boys at,Serena asked.

They had to leave to talk to a friend about...

I couldn't think anything to say,I started panicking and sweat begin to form on my head.

About what and why are you beginning to sweat,Serena asked again.


About what Dawn.

About sports right Dawn,may said to Serena.

Yea sports that's the word I was looking for.I signed in relief.

Sports so their part of a team,Serena asked.

Yea they are in football team.

Oh ok here's your water bottle Dawn.

Thanks Serena,I drank a little of the water then closed it.

I guess lunch is almost over.

What makes you say that Dawn,Serena said.

I just have a feeling,we'll see you later Serena.

Later,as she left to class.

I hope weirdo got the warning by now.
Ash's Pov
I just left the cafeteria to meet Calem at his locker,I don't want to meet at my locker because I don't want him to end up like me.

I was almost at his locker until I got grab by someone by the back and got dragged at the locker.

I then got to look who it was and the people I didn't want to see at all.

Gary,Drew,and Paul.

Well am getting beat up again I close my eyes for pain,But the strange thing is that am not getting feeling any pain I then opened my eyes again to see what happen,luckily I had my hood on so they didn't know I closed my eyes.

Listen weirdo were not here to hurt you this time.Paul said.

Then what do you want then I said in a cold voice.

We want you to stay away from Serena,that's it.

The honey hair girl I said.

Yea,in return we won't humiliate in front of the entire school.Paul said.

Ok just let me down please.

Paul let's go of me,they begin to leave until Paul said something.

We mean weirdo,Paul said once they left.

I froze their stunned to think what they'll do to me.

I then started walking to Calem locker and waited  for him,I hope he likes it.

Hey guys sorry I was busy and It was Father's Day so I couldn't do anything about it and that's all goodbye and have a great day.

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