Chapter 30 - End Of The Road (Brennan Conrad POV) Pt.2

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A love spell?

The disappointment I felt from Devin's response only grows. I leave the common areas of the dorms, and when my phone rings and I register that it's Devin's ringtone.

I don't bother answering.

In two minds I try to wrap my mind around what Taylor and Devin thought that they'd find out about Faith? Was there anything to find? Without-

I'm just to my car when I have a stomach turning moment, unsettling, and hits me full force.

There was so much information that could be inside of a school file. After Silas' death Samson had panic attacks that resulted in most times him passing out. How it was to be handled was in his school file.

So back to Taylor. What was her end game?

If anything, before mom and dad could take Faith in, they had to know what was in it. They hadn't told us much only that they were contemplating taking her in. Asking how we'd feel about it? There was no reason to object.

Still Faith was in therapy... was that because of the fire? The trauma she suffered or was it because of what happened before she came to Bend?

What was Taylor hoping to achieve with the data?




Kalenah Conrad POV

I had been keeping an eye on Brennan and his siblings. Outside of Faith, it felt as though...

Something was off between more than just Brennan and Samson.

"This is different Ansel," I murmur to my husband, "the kids do not take sides in arguments, so-" I stop when his eyes cut to the stairs. Preparing dinner, I turn to the stove lowering the flame, and looking over my shoulder at the person coming down the stairs.

It's only Amy and Simon and Ansel promptly sends them outside to burn off the energy that was buzzing in and around them.

When we're alone again, my eyes on the kids out back, I start up where I left off. "Normally Harleigh and Taylor, Devin, all the girls are spending time together, but all week... nothing!" I hear myself sounding a bit ridiculous but I could not put my finger on the shift in my home.

Ansel rolls his eyes and I only just catch it with a right timing.

"I think it's different – Faith is here. Talia is homebound, Brennan and Devin broke up-"

"Talia and Javier?" I counter but Ansel just snorts almost randomly. Then the smirk on his face morphs, first to a smile and before long, he's laughing full heartily. "I – I think – I – he's more concerned with getting her chocolate!" he barks out laughing roughly, his face reddening.

"Child." I scoff, shaking my head at his display. He's only just calming down when I turn to the island and Harleigh and Thaddeus come inside from the garage. Stopping and getting small snacks and a bottle of water as well. Using this moment, I jump in.

"What are your plans for the weekend?" I ask openly.

Harleigh and Thaddeus look at one another first, before shrugging at me, "nothing maybe head to Eugene... do some shopping-" Harleigh starts, "Oh you and the girls?"

She nods easily enough, "Is Taylor and Devin-" I know my children. I know their faces. I might now know their exact thoughts but I do not finish the question when Harleigh's relaxed facial features suddenly become pained and pinched.

"Not them, no. Just Paige and Katerina," Harleigh says roughly, grabbing her backpack and storming out of the room like she was on fire. Slowly I turn to Thaddeus who, looks after her with a frown on his face.

Not sure where to place my foot, afraid of stepping on a landline subject, I hover in place. "Is she alright?" I ask Thaddeus who catches himself and fixes his facial expression to neutral. He nods, but it's not a truthful one.

"Is this about Brennan and Devin breaking-"

"That has nothing to do with it!" Thaddeus interrupts me shaking his head vehemently. "If you want to know what's wrong, ask Brennan!" he spits and for a moment, I almost believe that maybe the kids had chosen sides when it came to Brennan betraying Samson's trust.


"Ask Brennan what?" the subject of our conversation chirps coming form the door leading to our garage. Eyes darting between us, I just stand still for a moment, unsure.

"Oh mom was asking exactly what is wrong with Harleigh... why don't you tell her what's wrong Brennan?" Thaddeus said almost goadingly, but definitely glaring.

I share a side-glance with Ansel, he equally as puzzled as I was.

"Okay – what's up?" Ansel asks pushing off the counter and gazing between our sons. What had Ansel and I missed? 






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