Chapter 17: No Longer A Slave

Start from the beginning

In about seven minutes I was parked in my normal spot for when I go to pay the doctor a visit. I did my usual by throwing my stuff into my truck then locking it. I was so ready to get my mission done with so I darted across the street hoping that someone would notice and come help me. 

Unfortunately nobody paid me any attention. Seeing someone running in New York wasn't anything to surprising or exciting. Nobody cared. 

Before I knew it I was standing in front of those dreaded lab doors. My palms were sweating, every inch of my body trembling, my heart was pounding in my ears, and I had a whole zoo in my stomach. Everything told me to leave, but I couldn't. I didn't want to be a slave, I didn't want a master telling me what to do, I wanted to be free. And I wasn't planning on leaving until I got what I wanted. 

Anger and fear began to fill my veins, I didn't even try stopping my emotions. Thankfully anger was winning though, it was reminding my mind of all the reasons that I needed to do this. Reasons like: If not you then who? He might do this to someone else. Because of him, this body is no longer yours. He almost made you kill two parents, and two innocent children. You're his slave. Do you really want to be that? No of course not, you want to be free. 

I felt a rush of adrenaline come over my body as I slowly creaked the door open. When I entered the room I didn't even bother trying to gently close the door behind me, there was no point, I allowed it to slam. 

Dr.Allen turned around in his desk chair then grinned his stupid grin as he made eye contact with me. He stood and began walking towards me as I was also walking towards him. We both stopped in next to that monsterous lab table where my life was wrecked. 

"Hello, Jessica," He said his eyes narrowing. 

"Hello," I grumbled. 

"Well? Has it been finished?" He asked.

"Have I taken care of Megan and her family?" I asked trying to change the words around.

"Yes," He said not liking me trying to play dumb. 

"Well, then, yes. I have taken care of Megan Johnson and her family." 

His grin came back as he said, "Good. I have a new mission for you then. Ready to hear it?"

"In a minute," I said although I didn't mean it.

My statement had obviously taken him aback. "What? In a minute?"

"Yes," I said not caring that he was getting frustrated with me. 

"Why?" He asked shocked. 

"Because I have a different mission that I must get done first."

"And what would that be?" He asked no longer frustrated with me, he facial expression showed that he actually was finding this funny. Well he wouldn't for long. 

"You," I said and I could feel a crazy grin coming across my face after saying it. 

"What do you mean me? What are y-" But I didn't even give him time to finish. 

Before he knew it, he was on the floor and I was holding him down, my eyes crazed. 

"I wish I could say that I was sorry that it came down to this, but I am not. I don't want to be your slave anymore. Any last words?" I hissed in his face.

His eyes had grown huge from fear and his voice was shaking when he tried to speak. "W-w-hy a-a-re y-y-you d-d-oing th-th-is?" 

"I already told you, I don't want to be your slave anymore!" 

He opened his mouth as if getting ready to speak again, but left it hanging as he watched my teeth shift into snake teeth.

I grinned and leaned forward to whisper into his ear, "Just so you know what I meant by taking care of Megan and her family didn't mean death. She wanted me to end you, so I am taking care of her wish, not yours." For a moment anger flooded his face, but went back to fear as I said the last words that he'd ever hear. "Goodbye, Dr.Allen."

At that moment I moved my mouth away from his ear and bit into his neck. Inland Taipan's venom (most venomous type of snake) went into his system. In less than a minute there was a dead man under me. 

I stood up and smiled at my works, ashamed wasn't the word to be used in this situation. I was proud, extremely proud. Blood was pouring out of the bite in his neck, and dripping from my teeth. I licked it off my front teeth, my biggest mistake. I forgot the little detail of when some animals taste blood that they crave for more, I was all of the animals so that was multiplied by a thousand. 

I went from sweet, innocent preacher's kid and lead singer, to a slave, to a murderer, to a freak who was about to kill thousands just for a small taste of blood from each of those people. They were my prey and I was the predator. 

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