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I walk in my house and I put some different clothes on. (picture)

I look at myself I'm the mirror. I like it.

then I see something. I notice now the innocence that I have. and I need to fit into the group. I'll finally have some actual friends.

I mean yes I have Kayla but she's just a associate. I want actual friends.

Today and from now on. I'm going to do everything I can to break this shell. No if, ands, or buts about it.

well if it include me killing some one I will gladly stay a good girl.

"are you ready?" I hear Nate yell. I yell yes back and I walk downstairs.

"damn ma." Nate says checking me out. I giggle. damn giggle.

"let's go have fuunn!" I yell. the guys just laugh.

... . ..... ..... . .... . .

we pull up to a huge house. different then before. this one is like a mini mansion but compared to the others around its gigantic.

First thing I think of to get rid of this good girl shell is to get drunk.

we walk inside and I see the boys giving handshakes to some others.

"stay by my side okay" Nate says into my ear. I just nod my head. The music was really loud and he's really tall.so he wouldn't be able to hear me.

I look around while Nate was talking to some guy.

I see the kitchen. it has a island full of alcohol and about two refrigerators well one a fridge and the other a freezer.

I look up at Nate and I see that he is busy talking . So I slip away. I open up the freezer and there is bottles and bottles of Volka and Rum and Hennessy.

I grab a bottle of Hennessy. Since it is alcohol it didn't freeze it just got really cold.

I manage to get it open and I quickly tale a big drink. its burns like crazy! I cough. but its actually really good. I take another gulp. and another and another. my throat starts getting used to it.

"Hey now, that's a $20 dollar bottle of Hennessy." A voice says behind me.

I turn around and see Jack G.

"oh...uuuhh" I don't know what to say. My mind is blurry.

he laughs. "I'm just fucking with ya Bella." he says.

"wanna dance?" he asks.

i think about it. wait no thinking just go.

I quickly nod and I take another huge gulp of hennessy and we go out to the dance floor.

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