Chapter 30

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We walked along the cursed street where Mayor Elton Dewey was sitting on town hall. He had an evil aura around him. It was a dark blue like he had the power of the cosmos.

"Came for the challenge Mr and Ms. Voice of Inhumans"

Raina grew taller than the sky scrapers themselves.

"Freaks is the proper word" I said and she smushed him.

"My my, my baby girl has grown. How did you get your powers back?!"

She yelled grabbing him in her hands. Elton grew to an enormous size. "Get him at the legs! Maybe Raina can punch his lights out." Patty yelled.

I punched Dewey's inner knee and he tumbled. My face fell into a blank as I watched his body almost hit into me Chris pulled me out of the way so I wouldn't get stepped on.

"Be more alert"

"I just feel like something is wrong with my head..."

"Take it a bit easier then ok?"  Chris ran up to fight along side me. We flew to the top of Dewey. Chris sent cold waves towards him. I broke them causing them to scrape his skin

Raina gave the final blow. We watched as he was on the floor shrinking. Leo and Patty scrambled to him. At least they still ca-

There was thump as Dewey flew through the window. That was a bit too easy. "Why do you think it's ok to just steal from your children?!" Leo screamed.

They hopped in the building and began yelling again. Instead Leo was flung out and hit the cement wall.

I glanced in and Dewey was was looking out with demon like skin. Who's powers did he steal to get that?

He guards behind him with guns. "Patricia and Leo's powers are just beautiful"

"Why haven't you used that yet?!" I asked Patty and Leo

"Cause you know how the movies go" he said pained but managing to smile. "It will just take over. Yada yada, the heroes will then face a super natural being"

"No" Patty grabbed his hand. "We got this" she said.

"What the hell is happening." Chris looked around

Leo gave a knowing smile then winked. "Listen if we get out of control. Kill us." Patty said.

"Why did she say it like it's not a big deal?!" Chris's yelled. They were covered in light then darkness. The two entities converted an make the most horrific thing.  An angelic demon with a tail, horns, and a halo. Their faces were split. One opened their eyes and smiled. "I've haven't merged in forever!" The demon screamed.

"Doesn't feel great"

"Why didn't you kids tell me about this before? We could have ruled together!" Dewey said sending his minions to shoot. They were unphased as their skin was being stabbed at.

The demon ate Dewey but the Angel punched him out of his mouth. "No killing people"

"You're no fun"

"You kids can have your powers back! I don't even want them!" Dewey said trying to sink away. He really is a coward. I watched in awe un able to understand what I could do.

"Get Up. Pay for your Sins!"

Dewey grew bigger than them. "This is how it always should be. "You should be beneath me. As the world should"

Joey jumped up and smacked him back down the the Earth. I flew up and dropped onto him.

He grabbed me. I was stuck in his grasp. "It's your fault, all my children had to do was kill you and you just REFUSED" He said putting me on the floor and stomping on me. I slowly regained my stamina and jumped onto his chest. I knocked him over. "I should have squashed you when I had the chance. You became a problem, just as I thought you would.

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