Chapter 21

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"Hey.." Chris said. I looked away a little. "Jamie?"

"It's just.." I said.

"My parents and other inhumans are still stuck in Dewey's place." I said.

"Look we are going to get them" he said holding my chin. I looked at him.

"There were other prisons, We can't procrastinate any longer" I said. "We have to strike one and free them.."

"Are you sure?" He asked. "I mean I'm completely down but—"

"Suit up then... We are taking the ware house down" I said loudly.

"A real mission?" Aston smiled.

"We are heading to the Dewey mansion" I said. Leo looked down sadly.

"You don't have to hit him. You can free the mutants" I whispered.  I put on my costume and headed out.

"Alrightie, every one good?" I asked.

I got a thumbs up from most people.


Tony opened the door to the mayor's office. I stomped and the elevator crashed down. I socked Dewey's guards and left them there unconscious. "Fan out" I said. I jumped down the shaft and opened the door with my fingers tips. "

I stepped inside and was immediately shot at, I rammed through them and opened locked cages.

"Hey! You there" A man who looks like he's getting amped up, punched me in the face.  I flung backwards. My face started to sting.

"Well aren't you a doll" the guy said

"You can't see my face" I said.

"X-Ray vision" He said smirking. I stood in a fighting stance. I glared at the boy.

"Try me" I said. Who hell is this guy?

"It's Joey since that's what your thinking" he said. I folded my arms and stomped.

"I know all your moves before you do them" he said. I roundhouse kicked him but he dodged it and caught my leg.

"Well isn't this awkward, with my x-Ray vision and all" He said.

"You're trying to get me to let my guard down, listen if you wanna look, go ahead, I'm not afraid" I said showing a fear face.

"So your saying you don't care if I look?" He asked. I pulled my other leg to kick his head. He slammed me against the floor. My muscles started to tense.  "Thats a little unladylike."

"But I guess you won't mind me taking a peak without my powers" He said. I punched him away from me.

"Hey! Calm down!" He said. "Monroe right?... I think I killed someone with that last name recently... some fast motherfucker" He asked laughing

"You didn't..." I glared.

"Wanna see pictures, I never lie about my kills" He threw me some pictures of my brother lying dead on the ground.

"As you can see I wasn't lying." Joey said. I crumbled up the paper and shoved it down his throat. I pinned him down and punched his gut. Causing him to spit it back out. "Wow that the first time something like that hurt. Super strength huh? And you did all that on impulse?" He laughed holding his stomach.

"You killed my brother!" I socked his back. He turned the tables on me and I wildly kicked.

"Look I was kidding I didn't kill your brother!" He laughed.

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