Chapter 6

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I was so over Lauren. I was glad that Chris was on my side with this as well. I decided to leave the nasty sewers and go up to take a walk. Maybe visit home.

Where freaks like me love each other. I just had my suit and my sense of direction. The nice fresh air felt good, instead of the hot sewage which is the hideout.

Cops cars left and right hunting down criminals. But I didn't want to help, because they don't like freaks, the world is a sick place with sick people, and you have to slowly accept it.

I sighed and continued to hover over roof tops in the cool dark night towards my house. It took me about 30 minutes just to get around the area. After I looked at the superhero suburbs from the city I covered my mouth with anguish. Every single house was knocked down. My old house, the place I grew up. The people I grew up with, the neighbor hood clubs. I wanted to go down and see what was up but. The NSA were still pulling people from underground bunkers.

I tried to rush back to the hideout. I wasn't thinking, barley forgetting to jump. My flight was met with a lot of disturbance considering I kept dropping.. I was so busy on crying that I fell into a city garbage bin. But I didn't care I just laid there.

"FUCK" I screamed wiping my eyes. Then something finally clicked. No one was comin to save us from this dark reality. I cried even harder. I'm not meant to be a hero. I miss my mom and dad. I just wish I wasn't born this way. I wish we weren't born this way.

I rose out of the trash and went back into the hideout.

I was decontaminated and walked in they looked at me. Chris stepped towards me cautiously, then lifted his hands up as if to reach me.

"Don't touch me" I said coldly. "Please"

"Where have you been we have been worried sick" Gramps said.

"I can take care of myself thank you very much. I'm going to bed" I said walking past them.

"Jamie wait" Someone grabbed my arm. I quickly turned around and slipped out, Ben flinched.

"I said don't touch me" I said.

"Shouldn't you say sorry?" Lauren said. Tony groaned.

"Im not sorry. I was perfectly clear"

"Jamie. Stop being difficult." Someone mumbled. I stopped caring who was speaking.

"The house I grew up in was torn down. While I was fooling around here people are still being hurt like I am.

"Well you shouldn't have left. You wouldn't have seen that." she said.

I was so done with her. I grabbed her collar and pushed her towards the wall. "You love to poke the bear. Lauren you need to understand, I am not the one to fuck with" I whispered "You need to drop this high school mean girl trope. No one finds it charming or funny. You are just being a bitch." Chris forced me to let go of her. I glared at him and he immediately released his grip on my arm. I walked back towards the exit. Ready to spend the night at my brothers?

"Run away to your mommy, better be damn sure she's alive" she said getting up.

"Lauren." Ben groaned.

I turned back ready to to strangle her. Chris's cold fingers touched my head and I was stunned for the time being

I laid in my bed away from the door or from anyone. I'm gonna kill her. I'm going to kill her . "Mom? Dad? I don't want to stay here I don't belong" I said quietly. "Why did I  stay here?"

"Knock knock?" Some one said.

"Come in I guess." I said almost silent.

"Jay?" It was definitely one of the twins. "I came in to say sorry about Lauren, she gets crazy sometimes" Ben said.

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