Chapter 26

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I was flying as I was suddenly hit out of the air by a battered Joey. "I will never leave you all alone!! I will hunt you down!" He said.

"These cameras again" I sighed.

"You're always in the spotlight, you and your team. What about the people who really got it bad?!" He yelled.

"Yeah, unlike you who isn't living in a mansion not getting arrested by the NSA" I rolled my eyes.

"You aren't making this easier for the super humans." Joey said.

"I know it's not making anyone else's life better." I winded up an upper cut. "Neither do you..."

"You. Are. One. Of. Us! Why do you fight for him? Hes just going to betray you in the end..." I punched his chin for the second time and flew up as he hit the floor.

I waited 15 minutes for him to get back up. I sighed flying back to the hideout. My body began to shiver as I touched down to walk closer to the hide out. The beach practically looked like a snow field. The water had ice chunks floating "Lovely." I frowned. I watched him sit throwing ice into the water. He looked up at me and frantically rushed over. He stumbled and looked physically pained but was way more concerned with me.

"Chris why aren't you inside... you are still injured..." I mumbled catching him. His body was definitely below his normal temperature. He checked my body for bruises and made sure I was alright before yelling at me.

"Do you understand how anxious I was? You are badly hurt!" Chris yelled.

"I did. You told me to get out of the house" I folded my arms.

"You- I- No-" Chris stuttered angrily.

"I won. I got the revenge we deserved.... " I beamed.

"We Jamie? We? You kept saying I need this...."

I bit my lip and turned away. "But I did kick the crap out of him"

"I don't care! You could have gotten your ass kicked and we wouldnt know how to find you. By the time we get there you could be dead."

"But I'm not" I smirked. "I told you."

His eyes narrowed until he was squinting. "Enough!" He said exhausted. "Jamie I couldn't even watch the fight knowing I couldn't help. I came out here waiting for so long... and yet you didn't come back. I was left up here hoping the worse didn't happen and you are just dismissing it as if... as if you believed I'm only scared because you think I have have no faith in you."

"I'm sorry.........I shouldn't have left." I turned my head. "It was selfish of me and I wanted to feel like the leader you believed I could be. It was an ego boost and I didn't think about how it would hurt you" I immediately spilled.

He stared holes into my head.  "You're suspended for the next week" He said after taking a deep breath. I looked at him widening my eyes. I felt the air getting warmer. I watched as the ice melted off the ocean and the beach.

"A week? For injuries or for punishment?" I asked. He flicked my arm. That small ounce of pain made my whole arm throb, and caused me to feel numb. I squirmed a little. He folded his arms.

"Make that two weeks since your whole body is like that" He said starting to walk away.

"I hate you" I pouted.

He turned around and put his hand on my head. He put my head back so we made eye contact. He kissed my forehead. "I thought we promised not to do dumb shit like this? You are Co Captains, We still gotta listen to each other."

I sighed. "I promise...."

He smiled. "Thats all I want to hear."


I was dragged into Mimi's lab by Leo. "Leave with out us again, I'll be the one hurting you." He said closing the door.

"Did someone get hurt again?" She smirked.

"Every where" I said.

"Alright take it off and let me see"  she said. I took off everything except my underwear.

"God! You have purple and blue areas every where" She said poking me with her cold finger. "I thought you had unbreakable-"

"If someone can match my strength then it can injure me." I winced as she pushed my chest.

"You fractured some ribs and you are bruised on most of your skin. How did you survive?" She said rapping my chest with a bandage.

"I'm very talented."

"You need to soothe the the aches...." She said I stepped off the table. She stopped me. "Just calm down."

"Chris, you are needed at the medical lab" she said.

"You're being cheap Mimi." I yelled as she came back unto the room. I put my hands between my legs immediately looked away.

"Chris we need to ice her up " she smirked. He looked up immediately trying not to look at my bruises. She grabbed a marker and drew all over me.

"These spots your icing, she'll heal faster" Chris shot icicles to the circled areas, and at first I winced from the freezing temperature then relieved as it melted very slowly.

"Call me when it melts." She said. She picked up my clothes and walked away. "Ask Dani to get you new clothes."

She left, and Chris looked at me with a little smile creeping into his lips. I narrowed his eyes. "May I help you?" I said. He put his arms on the table and leaned.

"Nope. Even after you were shoved around by Joey, you still look good." he laughed. I struggled to pull my arm up since the joints wasn't used to the ice yet. "Why are you in your underwear?"  he asked. Trying his best to keep eye contact with me. I smiled at him being considerate.

"Why not? I do what I want" I whispered putting my arms

"Thats unfortunately why you're suspended, isn't?" He asked.

"I guess so." I shrugged and smiled. He put his hands on my hips and leaned in closer towards my neck. I felt his chilling breath on me as I tried my best to keep my compusre.

"Mimi or Dani could walk in here any second" I said watching the door.

"And?" He asked. "Do you honestly think I care what they think, plus.......I couldn't help myself. I tried Jamie I really did." He smiled kissing side of my neck. I held onto his shirt tightly, hoping and praying a sound doesn't slip out. Why he chose the lab to do this is beyond me.

"Jay! I fixe-"Mimi yelled. She immediately closed the door again laughing. Chris had to stop and laugh at me. My body felt hot as he kept holding me. I didn't know what was funny either

"You knew she was coming in here, didn't you." I whispered impatiently into his ear. He moved to look me directly in the eye.

"Its her lab right." He smiled. He put his lips on me. He put more force into it causing me to hold onto him and pull him closer to me. I guess Mimi isnt getting her lab for a while

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