“How long have you known?”

            “Since that back to school pool party.”

            Fallon knitted her eyebrows together. How was it possible he’d known that long and never let on?

            “Telling me was a test of my loyalty,” Seth said and paused when Tarilyn came into the room. “Look, we’ll talk about this later.”

            Even though he was right, she didn’t like him being the one to decide the way things worked. When he turned forward in his seat, Fallon shot a glare in Tarilyn’s direction. Everything was fine until she came along. Their biggest problem was Christian and his God Squad, which they could handle with ease. Now they were on the brink of having their biggest secret exposed. It had to be more than a coincidence that all of this trouble started with the arrival of Tarilyn.

            Fallon glanced over at Angelica. Maybe it was time to put someone else’s loyalty to the test.

            I know you can hear me, Fallon thought, and Angelica’s eyes widened. Meet me in the north hall bathroom fifteen minutes after second period starts.

            Angelica didn’t acknowledge her, but she didn’t have to. If she knew what was good for her and her brother, she’d be there.

            Anger flared inside of Fallon when she came out of her economics class to find Griffin waiting for her. Instead of easing into his arms for their customary kiss, she didn’t even look his way as she continued down the hall. That didn’t stop him from coming after her.

            “What are you so mad about?”

            “I’m not going to answer that because I know you’re not that stupid.”

            “We had a good reason for telling him.”

            “I don’t care.”

            “Then why are you mad?”

            Fallon stopped and spun to face him. “You lied to me. You’re keeping secrets from me. Take your pick.”

            Griffin tilted his head to the left. “Do you tell me everything you tell Daphne and Ava about me?”

            She snorted. That wasn’t anywhere near the same thing, and he knew it. When she started to stalk off again, he reached to grab her hand.

            “You know I’m not going to let you be mad at me.”

            “Why? Are you afraid you’ll start bawling again?”

            Griffin dropped her hand and took a step back. “I can’t believe you said that.”

            Neither could she, but she wasn’t about to admit it to him. “And I can’t believe you’re keeping secrets from me. Guess we’re even.”

            He didn’t try to stop her the second time she turned her back on him. Despite the guilt churning in her stomach she pressed forward without looking back. Maybe she shouldn’t feel bad anyway. If he’d been honest with her, it wouldn’t have happened. As soon as the thought came to her, she realized how unfair it was. Using his emotions against him, especially after how ashamed he’d been, was evil even for her.

            She grimaced to see Tarilyn already in her seat in second period. If Tarilyn noticed the reaction, she didn’t let on. The bitch actually smiled and said hello to her. As much as she wanted to fly across the room and kick the crap out of her, Fallon forced herself to smile back.

The Unholy Trinity III: The Final BattleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon