Chapter [19]

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One week later, "Shut up Zoe! We're over get that threw your damn head!". I throw my hands up "No Blake I'm not mad but you don't get the last word! You don't get to say we're done because I'm going to say it. Okay we're done!" I walk out of Blake's room, slamming the door.
I march into my room and keep packing "What happened with you and Blake this time?". I sigh "He couldn't commit and since we weren't even dating I'm not crying".

Mina sighs as she starts taking down pictures from the walls. I hit my box "Why did I even let him kiss me?! For some reason I thought that we will actually work it but I was wrong!". Mina's lips part "Wow what a shocker...".

I close my last box "is Benji and Marcel's trucks ready?" I ask. Mina nods "Yep but there's a slight flaw in the process of getting a house". I look at Mina "What flaw?".
Me and Blake stare at a two story house. "It's beautiful" I say "Is this my house?". Benji shakes his head "It is and also Blake's house".

My eyes flash towards Benji "What?!".
Hope you enjoy Mission Bad Boy or M.B.B! I'd love writing this sort so much and it will have a sequel. "LIVING WITH THE BAD BOY" it would be coming out probably next week or this week if I have the time

It will be better then this one trust me. It will be longer and it will be more fixes in the chapters. Any questions? Talk to me in the comments or my chat! One more thing...the chapters for living with the bad boy will be coming out once a week.

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