Chapter [12]

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Two months later (all it was, was planning) don't play music yet, Feb 28
I helped Mina get her hair done. "Hurry were walking down the isle in fourth minutes" Mina demands. I nod "Well if you keep moving I will never get this done".

Mina breaths in and out "I can't wait to get married to that hot bastard".

"Ugh... Yeah never say that to your husband, EVER. Don't call him a bastard and more importantly don't hit him with a your flip flop". Mina smiles "Juan deserved it. Oh and thanks for being my maid of honor"

I nod "No problem! If you need anything just tell me". Mina nods "I need you to bring me a glass of wine because I'm really not ready..."
I stood on the side of the arch as Marcel waited under the arch. Aron and Eric stood on Marcel's side in there tuxes. "Where's Blake?" I ask. Marcel shakes his head "I don't know he should be here".

The priest looks at Marcel "Sir we need the best man". Marcel nods "I know he's coming". Blake comes walking over to the arch with his hands in his blazer pockets.

Just what I need more sexiness I look at Blake and he looks at me. Blake stands by Marcel and a few minutes later the music came on.

Mina came walking down the isle on the forest rocky trail. Marcel stared at her with a smile on his face. Mina walked towards Marcel and she looked into his eyes.

"We gather here today on this beautiful afternoon to the ceremony of Marcel Dobb's and Mina Hendricks. Both beautiful souls, that are gods children. We join the couple today as they exchange vowels. Please exchange vowels".

Marcel smiles "Oh Mina..." Marcel sighs "I'm just going to say you are a pain, but that's what I like about you. Ever since you came into my life I knew you were going to be the girl I was going to marry someday. We met when you pushed me off the swing and stole the cookie that was in my hand. You apologized but the sad part ate my cookie. Mina I love you and I'm happy to be with you today, under this very arch".

Mina wipes at ear dripping down her eye "Marcel I love you, and I did enjoy that cookie. You are funny,kind and the hottest man I have ever met". Blake rolls his eyes "and we both know that we were a big impact in each other's life's and now we're here. I hope I don't make a mistake in our marriage".

The priest continues "Marriage isn't a fairy tale. You have ups and downs and twist and turns, but in this marriage we wish you the best of luck"

"At this time I'll ask Marcel and Mina to take each other's hands. Marcel Dobb's do you take Mina Hendricks to be your partner in life? To stand by you in the worst and to be your true love till death do you part? Will you be faithful through good times and bad times and good times in health do you both shall live?"

"Hmmm I have to think about it". Mina's lips part "Boy you better say I do!". Marcel nods "I do".

"Do you Mina Hendricks-"

"I do!". The priest nods "Please exchange rings".

Mina and Marcel slip on the rings on their fingers making it official. "I now pronounce Mina Dobb's and Marcel Dobb's you may kiss the bride". Marcel kisses Mina and everyone cheers.
The after party was in the girls dorm
Lobby. There was cake, lights, food, music so basically one of Mina's party's.

I walked outside the dorm and walked around the campus. I saw Blake, Mina and Aron outside with me. "Guys!" I call.

Everyone looks at me and I give Mina a big hug "You did it! Your married!". Mina smiles "I know! I think me and Marcel are going to drop out of college in a month. There's no more we need to learn. We already got threw life". I smile "Well it's up to you and him".
Music! Music! Music!
Guys in black suits walk up to us and puts bags over are heads. "No!" Me and Mina yell. Blake grunts trying to get out the bag.
An hour later all of us woke up hanging form the ceiling by our hands. Our feet chained up to the ground. "Aron? Aron?!" I call. I hear Aron's voice behind me "Zoe I'm right here" His weakens voice says "It's going to be okay...."

Eric walks downstairs and looks at us "Eric?". Eric looks at me "Sorry Zoe..". Blake sighs "Come on get us down from here". Eric walks towards Blake "Shut up!" Eric points a gun at Blake. "Don't be afraid...just do it".

I shake my head "Eric please don't.." I say. Eric looks at me "Shut up Zoe just...please".
Marcel's P.O.V
"I'm never going to let her out my sight..." I say. My Mom sets a hand on my back "It's going to be okay. Your wife is very strong trust me I know her. She fight off anything". A tear rolls down my eye "Mom she's pregnant.
I can't loose her".
Zoe's P.O.V
Aron try's his best to escape from his ropes and chains. Mina try's to bite the ropes (you do you). Aron whispers to Mina "Chains first or you'll fall".

Blake smirks "So where is your troop?". Eric's lip shivers "There-there in the living room". Blake nods "Mmm may I ask where the fuck are we, Warner?".

Mina try's to un tangle her feet from chains. When she does she bites her way threw the rope. Aron ends up falling from from the ceiling and Eric looks at him with a gun point. Aron runs towards Eric and punches him.

Mina gets down and unties me and Blake. A gun shot fires and I quickly turn my head to where Aron and Eric where fighting.

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