Chapter [18]

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Don't play music yet
The next day we just decided to leave. Our trip was going to be over today so why not leave? Good thing is that we went shopping before we left.
I fell flat on my bed "Room sweet room" I say in relief. Mina looks at me "I miss the Vegas beds they were so comfy". I nod "Yeah...".

My eyes flash to Mina, seeing her still packing. "Hey Mina" I call. Mina looks at me "When you get the gender of your baby tell me". Mina nods "No problem" 

Conner barges in "Agh!" I squeal. Conner looks at me "Stop being a baby". Mina rolls her eyes "Ever thought about knocking?".

"Who the hell is this?" Conner ask's. "Conner meet Mina, Mina meet Conner. Mina this is Blake's brother". Mina throws her hands up "Great! There's two of them!".

"What do you want Conner?" I ask. Conner walks more in our room "Marcel wanted me to tell you that Blake is leaving with Mina and Marcel. He's leaving college early and so am I. There's going to be a party in the guys dorm room for our own graduation".

"But we're not leaving till next week" Mina says. Conner nods "Yeah but just a little party. We're not getting diplomas, but we might as well just have a party. It's up to you, Zoe. Are you going to leave with us?".

Me and Mina exchange looks "I'm going to have to think about it" I say. Conner nods and he walks out the room.

"Zoe! You have to come with us!" Mina begs. "I don't know...I want to have my diploma". Mina writes on a paper and hands it to me. The paper says the word diploma on it. "Really Mina? Really?"

Mina throws her hands up "Please Zoe...?". I sigh "I'll think about it...". Mina nods and out of the room. Aron appears on the side of me "Say yes..." His presence makes me shiver.

"I don't know... If I leave and you wake up....You won't know where to find me". Aron shakes his head "Zoe I don't even know if I will remember anything when I wake up".

I look down "Aron I need you in my life....I can't live without you". Aron kneels down and looks into my eyes "You like Blake...Be with him".

"I don't know if I like Blake". Aron shakes his head "Go for him, he might like you back". A tear rolls down my cheek and I sniffle. "Aron.... I can't do this alone. You were my best friend and I can't even feel you or touch you at all".

Aron has his concerned look on his face "Don't cry, you have to move on with your life. With or without me and I think the obvious answer is without. Stop thinking about me"

"Your in a coma that I'm not sure you will ever wake up from. I can't stop thinking about you". Aron looks down "Think about something that's not me. I'll be gone and you will never have to think about me again".

I blink my eyes and just like that....he's gone. Blake appears leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed "Who the hell are you talking to?".

My eyes flash towards Blake "Blake! What is up with you walkers?! You don't knock?". Blake shakes his head with a smirk "Surprising that you will be crazy".

"So I heard your leaving with Marcel and Mina....". Blake nods "And I heard that you don't want to leave" Blake starts walking towards me.

I nod "Yep...all I wanted to do was graduate from college with my diploma in my hand". (If diploma's aren't given in college I'm sorry for that mistake because I didn't go to college yet).

Blake sighs and sits on my bed with me "Your a wimp" he smirks. I look at Blake "What should I do?"

"Get your ass off this bed and go to the party tonight. That's my plan". I sigh "I wanted to graduate with Aron-"

"Forget about Solaman. He isn't here, but we are. We're going to put all our money together and we will get our own houses. Benji is doing most of the paying though".

I start to get confused thinking if this is really Blake Walker. For one second I saw a big heart in him that's until this happened. "So get your fucking ass up and have a fake graduation with us" Blake walks out the room.

Yep that's the Blake I know and love. Wait what did I just say? I look around the room thinking of all the memories I ha in this room for four years.

Memory, Mina lights a candle "Okay we have light! It's alive!" She squeals. Thunder shakes the room again and I jump "Someone get superman!".

The candle falls on the ground, into Mina's laundry. "Call the amber lance!" She pronounces ambulance as amber lance. I grab the fire extinguisher and spray Mina's laundry. "Damnit!" She yells.
Memory, Aron walks threw the door with a freaking bulldog following behind him "Zoe!" He calls "He won't stop following me" Aron wines.

I look at the bulldog "Shoo!". The bulldog decides to poop on my carpet. "What the fuck?!". Aron runs off trying to not be in the situation.

Now, I take a deep breath and look at a red dress.
That night I went to the boys dorm, to see half the campus partying there, smashing balloons with their feet.  

Blake walks up to me in a tux. Watch out for a walker in a tuxedo. He scans me with his eyes "You look....god" he admits.

Before I could spill words out of my mouth Marcel hit his glass with a fork. "Listen up people!" He calls "I'm happy to say that I'm Marcel Dobb's, husband of Mina Dobb's. Welcome to our early and fake graduation"

Everyone's eyes stare at Marcel. "Sadly one of our closest friends couldn't be with us today. Aron Solaman, we also honor this graduation to him because I knew he would come with us. Anyway we will have our last party tonight. Let's start with a dance to honor Aron Solaman". A slow song starts to come on.
Play music! Music! Music! Music!
Me and Blake look at each other and he blows out a sigh. I take his hand as he holds it out. "I have to admit made my year unforgettable. Your wining your complaining and your made me, me. You brung back my brother, thank you"

"Well it was an honor to play the annoying role in your life". Blake spins me around and pulls me back towards him. "I didn't know you could dance" I say. Blake shakes his head "Not me either, Garcia".

I look into Blake's eyes and he lifts me up and sets me back down. He twirls me around three times and he pulls me in so close that all I want to do is kiss him.

Blake takes a deep breath and dips me down, making me feel like I was going to fall. He pulls me back up with a smirk on his face "It was pain getting you to just show a smile". Blake shakes his head "I'm not smiling". Blake lifts me up and twirls me around.

As he sets me back I look into his eyes seeing that spark. Feeling that spark. Living that spark. My heart starts beating so fast that I can't even explain the feeling. I didn't know what to do or what to say. The presence between us was saying to do the right thing. He quickly leans in and places his lips on mine.

Memories comes flowing back with every minute I spent with him.

Memories, Blake comes walking out of the restroom "Why is Blake in your room?" I whisper. Marcel looks at me "He's my new roommate".
Blake drives off the bridge and he jumps out before we hit the water.

Minutes later, Blake came back swimming as he takes me out the car.
"You killed him!" I yell. Blake shakes his head "No I didn't! You don't even know if I did or not!". Blake walks out the hospital and I hug Marcel.
"Stop saying I have a heart because I don't! All I have is one tiny piece witch is for me!". I shake my head "I know you have a heart you just have to show it!". Blake shakes his head "Stop trying to change me!".
I hit my head "I don't know if I have feelings for Blake or Aron!". Mina sighs "Well let's list the pros and cons".
Blake picks me up so I won't drag him to the maintenance trash. I look into his eyes thinking that he was doing something sweet.

Now, Blake looks at me and I look at him with a silent presence between us. We were both speechless "So you do have a heart?". Blake smirks "Not exactly".

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