Chapter [1]

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Zoe's P.O.V
Mina slaps my head and my eyes flash open. "Ow! Mina?!". Mina looks at me "Get up! We're late!". I quickly hop out my bed and run out the door. Mina just stands in the doorway "You forgetting something?". I run back into my dorm room "I need to change, brush and fix my hair!"
I sit in my seat next to Mina as professor Gerald stares at us. "Ms. Garcia....Ms. Hendricks I suppose you have an excuse". Me and Mina look at each other "Mr.....flablowski needed us..." Mina try's to make up an excuse. I slap my forehead "Who is this Me Flablowski I hear of?". Mina his my arm "Your turn..." She whispers.

Damnit what am I supposed to say?! "Mr Flablowski is my....grandfather...yeah he fallen and he couldn't get up".

Mr Gerald nods "Ok...I'm not going to take that excuse but thanks for showing up...". Me and Mina blow out a big breath relived that we kinda pulled that off.
After our classes me and Mina decided to go to Marcel's room. Marcel and Mina stare at each other "You had to bring her? I don't have time for arguing with her....".

Mina smirks "Time? Well maybe you can you use that time to pull your head out your-". I cover Mina's mouth "No!" I uncover her mouth. "You don't know what I was going to say.... ASS!" She finishes her sentence.

Blake comes out the restroom pulling on his shirt "Why is Blake in your room?" I whisper. Marcel looks back "Oh he my new roommate...sadly. He's a god damn nightmare". Blake grabs a beer "I can hear you asshole".

All of us look at Blake as he drinks his beer. Blake sits on his bed "Stop staring at me, god damn" Blake scratches the back of his head.

Mina crosses his arms "Someone get me scissors so I can cut off this guys dick he is already getting on my nerves" .

I grab Marcel's ear and pulls him into the restroom "ow ow ow ow ow!". I close the door "How did he become your roommate?". Marcel shrugs "I don't know...the headmaster just said for him to come here because I had an extra bed". I walk out the restroom and see Mina grabbing scissors from the counter. I run towards Mina and take away the scissors "There will be no dick cutting!".

Blake smirks "Let her do it she wants to touch my dick, let her". Mina rolls her eyes, "keep dreaming asshole". Marcel crosses his arms and scratches the back of his neck "Can we just leave the dick cutting to a gay dude?".

"Can we all just stop talking about dick cutting?!" I finally speak up. Mina nods "Your right Mina. All in favor for ball chopping?!".

"Mina!" I yell. Mina shrugs "What this guys in asshole and he doesn't deserve his dick or balls". Blake looks at Marcel "At least I have some". Marcel gets ready to swing at Blake. I grab Marcel "no no no!".

Blake drinks his beer "Can you girls get out?". Mina nods "Gladly, bye bitch!" Mina walks out the room. I follow behind Mina "So much for first impressions..." Mina says.
Me and Mina sit on our room as Mina try's and looks for job. "Just one more year and we could be out of here" Mina acknowledges. I nod and look on my phone "Yep, wait a minute... Charlie is getting married?! When did that happen?!".

Min looks back at me "Ever since he got engaged...". I roll my eyes "Well I know that but when did he get engaged? His wife is Ali and we didn't even get invited to the bachelors party". Mina turns back to the computer "Ali can go fuck yourself".

My eyes go back to my phone and I look threw the photos of the party and the wedding. "Screw your Charlie and Ali you will never make it!". Mina shows a smile. "So you and Marcel? How is that working out for you guys?". Mina rolls his eyes "He doesn't deserve me. He just decided to go off to three party's and not invite me. Wrist boyfriend ever".

I look at Mina as I watch her throw her hand up "He thinks he can just leave whenever he wants. Well Marcel I don't really care anymore because I'm not your girlfriend anymore and I know that you still have feelings for me. But guess what! I don't have feelings for you so you can go suck it"

I chuckle and I get a text notification from Marcel.

Marcel- Blake's gone
Me- How is that a problem?
Marcel- maybe because my knife is gone and he was the last one to glad it
Me- well go find him
Marcel- Well I'm trying
I look out my window and see a shadow in the woods.
Me- go in the woods I think I found him
Marcel- ok thanks
I roll my eyes "What's wrong?" Mina asks. "Apparently Blake took Marcel's knife and is probably cutting someone up". Mina turns back to his computer "Probably cutting his own dick off".

If his girl won't stop talking about cutting off dicks I will shoot someone... I yawn "Ah....what a day". Mina nods "Yep....I have so many hinge to do tomorrow. Clean the room, Go argue with Marcel, go to class and go to kill Blake"

"Listen I know he's a jerk but what's up with the threats?". Mina stares at me "Zoe... Are you on his side?"

"What?! No way! I said he was a jerk not that I like him" I rub my eyes, "Yeah...I'm going to bed" I set my knee on my bed and just flop down. Mina walks towards her bed and lays down.
Marcel- found him
Me-what was he doing
Marcel- throwing it at a tree
Me- that makes since for Blake. Ok me and Mina are going to sleep, night
Marcel- goodnight Zoe

Mission Bad boy [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora