Chapter [14]

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I cross my arms and walk around campus thinking about two things. Mina and Aron, but mostly Aron. I don't know...flashbacks just start hitting me like a bullet. (Haha no pun intended)

Flashback high school sophomore year. I open my locker and Aron comes running up to me and he swipes me off my feet. "Aron!" I laugh. "Everybody sing it with me! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! You smell like a monkey and you look like one two! If that's even how it goes..." Aron sings.

I kick my legs and wave my arms in panic "Aron!" I yell. Aron smirks and let's me down "Happy birthday" Aron hands me a rectangle box. He opens it and a silver necklace shows a half heart.

"Oh my god Aron....where's the other half?". Aron takes a keychain out of his pocket and clicks it to my half. The word reads "Something".

"What is that supposed to mean?!" I laugh. "We're something that I will never understand".
I bump into a chest and fall on the grass. "Watch where your going!" A guy says. I look at a tall, brown haired guy. "Oh I-I'm sorry".

The guy shakes his head "Sorry I thought you some guy or douchbag". I smile "Haha um who are you?". The guy holds out his hand "Conner Walker". The last name Walker immediately grabs my attention.

Conner grabs my hand and helps me up. "Wa-wa-Walker?!". Conner nods "Yeah Walker...I think that's what I said" He smirks.

I grab Conner's hand and start pulling him to Blake's room.
"Blake!" I call as I barge into his room. "Wow Zoe ever heard of knocking?" Blake slips on a shirt. "Blake meet Conner Walker....".

Conner immediately notices Blake. "You were dead..." Blake walks towards Conner "I left you in the house fire. You, Mom and Dad...". Conner sighs "Still have the burns, kinda. I escaped before I could even get Mom or Dad".

Blake walks towards Conner and wraps his arms around him. "Oh fuck it's you!" Blake says with a smirk coming on his face. It's not a smile, but it's a smirk. Conner looks at me and he moths "Thank you".

A few minutes later all of us talked at Blake's. It's the first time me and Blake had a real conversation. "Wait...what do you mean you left your family in the fire?!".

Blake sighs "Get over it, My parents bedroom door was burning there was no way I could get them out. And Conner here... well he was being the young brother. He just had to get his leg trapped under a shelf".

"What the hell was I supposed to do?!" Conner raises his voice. "Um pull your damn leg out from under the fucking shelf!".

"The shelf weighed about 25 pounds. With your shit on it!". I sigh "Boys! We're having a brother reunion so stop your damn fighting! Okay Conner.... Why are you here?"

"Looks like Blake forgot my age. I'm fours years younger then you, this is my first year here".

Blake sighs "Well it's not my fault that you were gone for fours years. Why didn't you call me?".

"Well Blake as you may have noticed I forgot your phone number and I was searching for you for like ever". Blake runs his hand threw his hair "Imma kill your ass".

I plant my face in my palms "No fighting!" I groan. Blake and Conner look at me "I thought Conner was the good brother that doesn't cuss".

Conner lays back in his chair with a scoff "Bitch please. I use the I'm sorry lines to get pretty women to sleep with me".

"Great that's just what I need. Another one of Blake". Blake smirks and winks at me. Yes! We're off to a good start. He's taking a like into me! I sigh but he is still kinda an asshole. I rub my eyes and lay on Marcel's bed.

About an hour later I was asleep and Conner and Blake were talking. "Who is she?" Conner asks as he grabs himself a beer. Blake looks at me "That hoe? That's Zoe her life is a damn train wreck" Blake drinks his beer.

Conner sighs "Zoe Who?". Blake scoffs "How the hell am I supposed to know her last name. It's like... Borina or tortilla or tequila". Conner chuckles "Haha ah...Is she one of those girls who help you threw your problems?".

Blake nods "Ugh! I hate those girls. They can go suck Donald trumps dick. A lot happened while your gone. I almost killed her boyfriend in a car crash and they broke up and now her ex boyfriend is in a hospital in a coma due to bleeding in the brain".

"Look who is hitting the books" Conner smirks. "Hell no I just copied everything that the damn doctor said". Conner looks at me "You like her?".

"I slept with her sister".

"Agh....come on bro! The sister looks like her doesn't she?". Blake nods "Yeah kinda, her sister was fucking hot and young and totally into me". Conner sighs "Your basically saying Zoe's hot".

"She's hot but she has the attitude that I don't like". Conner hits Blake's shoulder "Come on admit it. You like her because you think she's not like any other girls. She's more then just a changer and you know it".

Blake looks at me with a smirk "She's just like all the others girl. Useless and annoying". Conner sighs "If your going to keep your feelings bottled up, you will just be pressuring yourself".

"Conner! I don't like shut the fuck up for once in your life". Conner drinks his beer "'s your call buddy. You do you and I'll do me. I have to go find myself my own girl" Conner starts to walk out the door.

Blake stops him with his words "Hey!". Conner turns around and looks at Blake "I'm glad your back, and alive". Conner nods " too. I'll see you around campus" Conner walks out of Blake's room.

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