Chapter [15]

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An hour later I woke up to an empty room. My vision was blurry from the blinding lights that is Blake's room. Yeah.... I can't really put my finger on it, but something seems different about this room. It's quiet...

Blake walks in throwing his keys on me. There it is! I rub my eyes "Hey Blake, did you and Conner go out?". Blake shakes his head "Stay out my damn business".

There's the Blake I always knew, I sigh "Okay" I hold up my hands in surrender. Blake sighs and walk towards his dresser "Uh...I can't believe Im saying this and it pains me to but....thanks for everything" Blake smirks.

Am I suddenly on his good side? I nod "Your welcome...." I stand up off the bed and try to fix my hair. Blake sighs "Don't get used to it". I sigh "So you were pretty calm during the kidnapping".

"I've been threw worse" he mumbles. I walk towards Blake "You just stood Aron and Eric fought. You just stood there!".

"Solaman could handle his own damn self" he says like it was nothing. I throw my arms up in frustration "He was getting practically beat by Eric and you did nothing!".

Blake looks at me with a deadly look "There was nothing that I could do! Solaman was the one who put his own damn life in danger!".

"For us, Blake! He did it for us! Everything he did was to protect us! He took a bullet for us and now look at him! He's in a freaking coma that the doctors are not sure that he will ever wake up from!" I turn around and place my head on my palm.

"Don't you turn your back on me!". I turn around and look at Blake "I should've turned my back on you ages ago!"

Blake freezes as if he didn't know what to say about what I just said. His hands were curled in a fist and his face turns red. "What are you going to punch me?! Go ahead I like to see you try!".

Blake's fist loosens and he looks at me. He walks past me and I look out the window. A minute later I saw Blake smoking a cigarette trying to cool down.

I sit on Marcel's and take deep breaths, holding back my tears. Aron walks into the room with a smirk. My eyes immediately look at Aron "Aron...Aron!" I run towards Aron and hug him.

Instead of hugging him my arms go immediately threw him. "Aron?" Aron shakes his head "I'm your imagination, Zoe". I hit my head "Why am I imagining you?".

Aron looks at me with his concerned look "Your sad...I was the first person to go to when you were sad. Remember?".

"Aron please you have to wake up". Aron sighs "I wish I could but I'm just an imagination. I'm not real, right now I'm dreaming and having flashbacks, but none of them are me in your imagination"

I look down and sit on Marvel's bed "Blake should've helped you...".

Aron kneels down and looks into my eyes " have to get over me or you will never be the same" Aron sighs "I want you to live your life the way it was supposed to. Where there was no drama and no danger".

"I can't live with Mina not here or you or Marcel. Mina and Marcel are leaving campus because she's pregnant and there ready to start a family".

"Wait....Mina's pregnant?". I nod "Yep...and when they leave all I have left is Conner and Blake". Aron sighs "Blake's brother...".

"Yeah....wait what the hell?! How did you know?". Aron smiles "I met Conner before all this happened, but he never told me his last name". Aron looks at me with a smile on my face "I'm glad I can see you".

"Chill out I'm not a ghost. Jut your imagination. Damn your mental". I throw a pillow at Aron and it passes threw him "You ass" I smile. Aron chuckles "That what you get for using your mental brain"

Aron disappears and my smile fades. "Have a nice nap..." I say.
I walk around the boys lobby and met a pretty interesting guy. Benji or Benjamin, he was funny and gay so yay! "Okay so my boyfriend decided to cheat on me with dorm ratchet ass bitch named Tina!".

I cuff my hand around my mouth trying not to burst out laughing. "And I decided to confront the girl and-".

"What did she do?" I ask. "That birch hit me with her damn shoe!" Benji drinks his beer "But you know I wanted to give her a mind of my piece".

Wait what did he just say?! Yeah he drunk as fuck. "There you go Benji! What did you do for your revenge?". Benji smiles "Oh! Bitch this is where it gets good so unplug your ears!".

"I stole all her clothes". My lips part "Benji! You can't do that!". Benji shrugs "Why not she banged my man?".

"Benji!" I hit my head with my palm "That was stealing". Benji snaps his fingers "I-Don't-Care. That bitch deserved to pay about three hundred dollars on all her clothes, and her shoes, and that bitches jewelry!".

"Oh my god Benji...lets just hope you don't go to jail". Benji scoffs "Bitch please I ain't going to jail without my bear and a box of Oreos". I giggle "Haha good luck with that".

Benji looks in the distance "I got to go, girl. My friend needs me, we're going to drag queen bingo! Hala!" Benji walks off.

Aron appears by my side "Gay best friend? Nice one Zoe nice one" Aron smiles.

"He's sweet". Aron looks into my eyes "Don't talk to me in public. You look like your talking to an imaginary best friend".

"But you are my imaginary best friend". Aron shakes his head "Not if you want to end up in a mental hospital I'm not" Aron disappears.

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