Breaking the News

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"Okay, so I'll set up your playdate for Friday and I'll see you in two days." Mrs. Raleigh finished up, stacking her papers back in order.

"One last question," Harry started. She looked up confused but nodded for him to continue, "On this play date, are we allowed to bring our children? That way they could become more comfortable with their new sibling,"

She had never had a parent ask this, and had to think for a moment, "I don't see why not. Are they all well-behaved?"

Draco chuckled,"Most of the time. They'll be no issue, I can assure you."

"Then feel free to bring them. I'll see you in two days, gentlemen." She dismissed them, and they left her office quickly, returning home as soon as they were out of sight.

"We actually did it!" Harry was extremely excited and didn't even think about the children in the room as he jumped around, giving Draco a big hug and a kiss.

"Did what? And where are the groceries?" Al asked. The kids had all moved into the family room, watching a marathon of some movie or other.

"We didn't actually go out for groceries-" Draco started, but Lily cut him off.

"So you lied to us."

Draco was used to her sass and sighed, "Yes, but-"

Lily interrupted again, "How could you do this?" She placed a hand on her heart and leaned backwards, being dramatic as usual. The boys snickered at Draco's extremely done look.

"Look, we didn't want to tell you just in case we didn't pass the inspection." Harry said, breaking up the banter.

"Inspection for what?" James snapped, tired of not having answers.

"We're going to adopt," Draco supplied, a grin sneaking on to his face as well.

The kids were silent for a moment before Lily spoke up once again, "That's great! I've always wanted a pet. What are we getting?"

Scorpius sighed, "No, Lils..."

"What?" She snapped at him.

"They're adopting another kid," James supplied, his face very unsure as he said it.

"Oh... So we're getting more siblings? How old are they? Is it a boy or girl? Is it multiple kids?What are their names?" She shot off one question after another, having no quarrel with a bigger family. Albus nodded his head with her, wanting to know all about the people entering his family. James and Scorpius looked at each other, still unsure about the whole thing.

"We don't know all of that yet. That's why on Friday, all of us are going to meet with children from the orphanage to pick out your new siblings," Harry got that excited look on his face again, as if it had never left. Albus and Lily had the same look, while James and Scorpius adopted Draco's little smile.


"Wouldja hurry up, Jim! We've only got ten minutes!" Albus scolded as he knocked on the bathroom he and his brother usually used. There were four bathrooms in the house, two of which were open, but his toothbrush just had to be in that one...

"Oh bugger off!" James replied.

"Bloody git..." Albus muttered as he resigned and tried to track down a mint instead.

Scorpius, Draco, and Harry were all waiting in the living room like civilised people as the three Potter children scurried about at the last second. Lily was trying to get the last knot out of her long ginger hair while who knows what James was doing. Albus yelled down and asked about a mint but none of the men downstairs had one, leading him to keep searching upstairs.

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