A Rematch

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Their next stop was inside an old building, judging by the smell and feel of the floor. Draco untied the blindfold and gave him back his glasses, allowing him to see that they were back in Malfoy Manor.

"I didn't plan anything special for lunch, if that's okay," Draco admitted, grabbing some food from the cupboards and helping himself. Harry shrugged and joined him in the snacking.

"I assume we have other reasons for coming here?" Harry commented as they finished putting up the food they'd filled up on. Draco nodded and gestured for him to follow him.

They walked out into the backyard and Draco opened up the shed that rested there. Inside were mostly brooms and Quidditch supplies, along with a few miscellaneous objects. Draco pulled out they two best-looking of the brooms and a leather case and brought them into the yard.

"What're we doing?" Harry questioned as Draco handed him a broom.

"I've been wanting a rematch for years now, and I thought it'd be fun," Draco remarked with a smile on his face. Call him competitive, but he thought a rematch was well overdo.

"Really?" Harry asked with a smile.

"Really really. I've even got a snitch here," Draco opened the case and pulled out the golden snitch. They both smiled at it.

"Oh you are so going down," Harry taunted, throwing off his blazer and mounting the broom. Draco mounted his broom as well, letting the snitch zoom off.

"You're the one going down, Potter," Draco taunted back, using his last name like old times.

"In your dreams, Malfoy," Harry joked, preparing to take off.

"Three, two, one, GO," Draco yelled, zooming into the air with Harry a split-second behind him.

"Come on, come on," Harry chanted as he spun on the broom, trying to get a glimpse of the little golden ball.

He saw Draco swoop down out of the corner of his eyes, but he could feel Draco watching him, trying to faint the dive. Harry shook his head and focused on searching.

Then he saw it, right near the roof of the shed. He immediately dived, fully aware that Draco was closer than he was. Adrenaline pumped through his veins as he reached out his hand to grab it.

The wings stopped fluttering as soon as his fingers closed around the ball. He let out a loud whoop as he slowly landed on the grass. Draco landed left to him, both completely winded.

"I forgot. How tiring. That was," Draco panted, crouching over as he tried to catch his breath. Harry nodded next to him, handing him back the snitch.

"Are we doing this. All afternoon?" Harry asked and laughed out of relief when Draco shook his head.

"More snacks. Then another place." Draco replied with a smile, putting the brooms away and going back inside to the kitchen to stuff their faces once again.

Once they felt recovered from all the adrenaline and exercise, back on went the blindfold and they apparated away to the next location.

Harry could tell it was another alley, but this one smelled much worse. Draco hurriedly untied the blindfold so they could enter the building labelled "The Art Effect".

"Welcome to The Art Effect! Please sign in," A lady welcomed them as soon as they stepped inside. There was quite a crowd gathering here as well, all signing up for what was advertised as "Tipsy Painting Classes". Draco signed them in and led Harry to the easels they had signed up for.

"What are we doing here?" Harry questioned- painting classes?

"You haven't heard of these? It's a wine tasting and a painting class in one," Draco explained, "I've never been to one but they sounded interesting."

"Huh," was all Harry said before the class started.

They all drank and talked as they attempted to paint at the same time. The class was supposed to be painting a forest silhouette at sunset, but both Draco and Harry strayed from the average. Harry decided trees were too hard and just did mountains, and Draco went all sappy with painting a couple sitting in the forest watching the sunset. At least that's what he tried to paint- the people ended up looking like potatoes, but what can you do.

It was a fun class, and by the time it was over the clock had struck six. Draco rushed Harry out of there, repeating that they were going to be late. He didn't even bother to blindfold him this time as they apparated away.


Short but sweet. Filler but needed.

Yeah, it doesn't have the same ring.

Am I updating too much? Idk there are less and less views on each part and I haven't even reached 7 votes. Let me know!

Hope you enjoyed!

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