A Surprise Visit

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"Daddy where are we going?" The seven-year-old Lily asked innocently. Harry was dressing her and Albus in some of their best clothes, not wanting them to seem too different to Scorpius. He and Draco had agreed in a separate letter that Scorpius would dress down and Lily and Albus would dress up, hoping they'd meet in the middle.

"There's some people who want to meet you," Harry explained vaguely. He himself had worn a simple suit, as if he was dressing for work. Even though he had been to the manor and talked to Draco a million times, he hadn't been in over a month and his old nerves were back in action.

"Are they adults or our age?" Albus asked as Harry straightened the collar of his polo.

"There's man my age and his son who I think is your age, Al," Harry stood and looked at if he'd done a good job. Albus was in a navy polo and khakis and Lily was in her favourite dress- a bright pink dress with little white flowers sprinkled all over it. Harry smiled at how cute they were and guided the seven and nine-year-old out the door. They apparated from the living room and landed outside the entrance gates of Malfoy Manor.

"Are they nice?" Lily asked as she squeezed Harry's hand.

"Of course they're nice," Harry assured them and they followed the winding path up to the front door.

"Their house is huge," Al commented, staring in wonder at the manor.

"That it is," Harry responded as he rapped his knuckles on the thick wood door.

A few seconds later the door was opened slowly, and Astoria appeared in the doorway, clearly disheveled. Harry checked his watch- surely noon is too early to be drinking?

"What do you want? I was just leaving," She tried to keep her composure but her words smeared together.

"We're here to see Draco and Scorpius, actually," Harry said politely, hoping to creep around her temper.

"Oh. The bastards are inside," She shoved past them and walked on, swaying in her stilettos.

"Who was that, Dad?" Al whispered as soon as she was out of hearing range.

"Don't worry about her, bud, she won't bother us," Harry tried to assure both them and himself.

They walked into the foyer and the house creaked under them.  After waiting for a few moments, Harry decided to call out and alert Draco of their presence.

"Draco? You home?" His voice echoed through the house, and a creaking was heard upstairs before Draco's voice was heard.

"Harry? Did you bring the kids?" Draco's voice called back.

"As we agreed," Harry sounded unsure- why wouldn't Draco meet them down here?

"Shit," Draco's swear barely carried through the walls, "Harry keep them in the living room. I'm going to need some help up here,"

Harry, already on action mode, ushered the two kids into the casual living room. He told them to behave themselves and to stay there before he crept up the grand staircase.

"Draco? Where are you?" Harry called out more quietly, trying not to let the kids here.

"In Scorpius's room, second on your right," He sounded as if he was struggling to hold himself together, and Harry opened the door slowly.

The room was as grand as the rest of the house, but that wasn't the surprising part. At the foot of the bed sat Draco and who seemed to be Scorpius. Draco was crouching in front of his son, talking to him gently. The worst part of all this was the state of Scorpius.

His sleeves had been rolled up, exposing multiple bruises and cuts forming there. He had at least one black eye forming and multiple other bruises on his face, along his cuts only big enough to be formed by human nails. His jaw had been forced out of place and he was crying quietly. Draco himself had a bruise forming on his face as he tried to soothe his son.

"Scorpius, this is Harry Potter. He's here to help," Draco said with a soothing but panicked tone in his voice. Scorpius, unable to talk, nodded and have Harry a funny look.

"What happened?" Harry asked as he crouched next to Draco and examined Scorpius's injuries.

"I can explain that later. At the moment you need to help me heal him," Draco said with the panicked edge seeping through, "Stay here with him while I find spell books on healing. If you can heal anything right now please try to," Draco gave Harry a pleading look before dashing our of the room, holding his bruised cheek in his hand.

"Hi Scorpius," Harry said, a little unsure of how to go about this, "I'm going to cast a few minor healing spells on you to help with the pain. Where does it hurt the most?"

Scorpius whimpered and pointed to his jaw and his black eyes starting to form. Harry pulled out his wand, very glad he had brought it with him, and whispered, "Episkey," healing the scratches on his arms and face. He chanted, "Lenio," to help stop the pain, although he didn't want any side effects to occur. He mostly tried to comfort the poor boy and waited for Draco.

"I'm back- what have you cast?" Draco burst into the room with a few books piled in his arms. He placed them on the floor before resuming his previous spot.

"Episkey for the scratches and Lenio for the pain," Harry reported, "Only three drops of the Lenio, though, just to be safe."

"Good, good. Start looking through this one and I can tackle this one," He handed Harry a book and grabbed one himself. Scorpius grabbed the last one to try and help, but he couldn't see very well and wasn't as efficient as the two older men.

"Oculus sanarus," Draco cast twice, letting Scoripus's eyes slowly turn back to their normal state.

"Ossis constituo," Harry chanted, allowing Scorpius's jaw to go back into place. With a gentle push and a few drops of Lenio, his jaw was fully realigned. The two men let Scorpius get cleaned up and they retreated into Draco's office/library.

"What happened? Why didn't you take him to a hospital?" Harry questioned, still whispering.

"His mother had a go at him. I got tin there before anything too lethal happened but I got a smack myself," Draco summed up, rubbing his cheek thoughtfully.

"Why not go to the hospital? Tell the authorities?" Harry questioned, not as harshly this time.

"I don't need that publicity. Someone will twist it so I'm the abuser and I'm already so close to being locked up," Draco slicked his hair away from his face in worry. Harry side-hugged him as best he could in the lounge they sat it.

"It's over now, right? Its all going to be better now," He assured the man in his arms, trying to be comforting as Draco just slightly broke down. Harry planted a small kiss in his blonde locks and let him get it all out, perfectly content to be a shoulder to cry on.


So much drama. Not a lot of fluff. Is the ratio not appealing to you guys either? Idk I guess I'm just more used to writing drama.

Please leave some feedback!

Hope you enjoyed!

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