The Morning After

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Harry was woken up at 4:30 the next morning by a loud rapping at the door. Without either him or Draco getting up to move, the person at the door let themselves in.

"Go away," Harry said pitifully as he burrowed himself further into Draco's embrace. Draco must be a heavy sleeper to sleep through the noise, Harry thought.

"Harry?" A voice called out from across the hall. Harry rubbed his eyes and tried to place who the voice belonged to: it sounded feminine, that was all he could tell. Maybe Hermione had left something?

"Harry? Have you seen Lily's pink dress?" The voice called out, now much closer to the bedroom door. Harry swore- of course it was Ginny. It's not like his day could start off decently.

He started to sit up, reluctant to move from his blissful spot, when she knocked on the bedroom door.

"Harry? You in here?" She said, opening the door without a care in the world as to what- or who- might be inside.

Harry rushed to cover Draco with a blanket, leaving only the blond's hair exposed instead of his entire shirtless torso, and stepped in front of his ex wife.

"Good Morning Ginny. Did you think of checking Lily's room for the dress before waking me up?" Harry grumbled as he tried to wipe the sleep from his eyes. She ignored him and looked past him.

"Oh I didn't realise you had company," She half-squeaked, her bright red face in-between embarrassment and rage.

"If Lily didn't pack her dress then it's in her room. There's no reason for you to be in here," Harry reprimanded  as he shooed her out the door. She took a final glance back to see Draco flip over, now fully exposing his face. She gasped but didn't say anything until both her and Harry were out in the hallway.

"You're sleeping with Malfoy?!" She screeched, whipping around to face her ex husband.

"I was drunk and he wanted to make sure I didn't hurt myself. Nothing happened," Harry said as he pushed her into Lily's room, opening her closet to find the pink dress right where it always was. He shoved it into Ginny's arms, "Now go. You no longer need to be here,"

Ginny snorted with a mean mask on her face. It hurt her to see Draco, of all people, winning Harry's affection. And if she was going to be hurt over it, then he was damn sure going to regret snapping at her. She sent him a nasty glare before apparating out of her old home.

Harry checked the clock- it was only 4:45. No use in trying to go back to bed now, he wandered his way into the kitchen to try to make breakfast.

Little did Harry know, Lily only popped into the Burrow for a second to drop off the dress before apparating to the Daily Prophet headquarters. She had only passed by the building before, but now was a good a time as ever to actually enter.

The outside of the building was your average office building- plenty of metal and windows and all that sort of thing. The logo on it was enchanted: the muggles saw some average, boring company while the wizards  saw "THE DAILY PROPHET" written in large typewriter-esque letters. The visible set of doors were painted a bright violet and were marked "PUBLIC ENTRANCE" in gold letters. Ginny approached the doors and stepped inside.

Inside the building no longer really resembled your average office. The whole place had a grand, almost penthouse feel to it with its marble flooring and leather couches. There was also a large desk with several windows labelled things like "JOB APPLICATIONS" and "SUBSCRIPTION INFO." Ginny passed these two by, scanning for the right window to go to. Finally she saw one labelled "CITIZENS REPORT" and figured that was the best guess.

There was a decent sized line leading up to the window, filled with wizards of all shapes and sizes. They would each anxiously wait to go up to the window, and the lady at the counter only pretended to pay attention before shooing them away. Ginny shook her head- this had to get somewhere. If she told the right person it was bound to get front page. She decided to try the line first. Maybe her story will spark the lady's interest.

"Name?" The blonde receptionist asked her, picking at her bubblegum pink nails.

"Ginny Weasley. Formerly Ginny Potter," Ginny announced. She'd had to give her name like that for a while, just in case there was a mixup.

"Potter? Associated with Harry Potter?" The receptionist asked with a curious look in her brown eyes.

"Ex-wife. And I've got the scoop on who he's sleeping with." She sad with an evil smile on her face. The receptionist gave her a face to match and messed with something behind her desk.

"We've got a hot Harry Potter story. Where should I send the informant?" She said to something or other. The blond nodded to words unheard by Ginny and motioned for Ginny to follow her. Ginny stepped past the little gate and followed the woman through the corridor.

"Ms. Skeeter will be taking your story," The receptionist said as she opened an office door for Ginny. The ginger walked in to find Rita Skeeter sitting behind her desk without a care in the world. Ginny sat down in front of her with a sigh.

"Finally saw the error of your ways with your husband, dear? I didn't expect his own wife to be ratting on him," She grinned at the younger girl.

"Ex-wife. We just divorced a few weeks ago," Ginny clarified. Rita scribbled that down in her notebook.

"Interesting. And what news did you want to share today?"

"The last few months of our marriage he had been distant. I knew he was sleeping with someone, but I assumed it was just some prostitute. Turns out the person he is sleeping with was also married," Ginny paused for dramatic effect.

"Spit it out, girl. Heavens," Rita tsked at her but she had a devious smile on her face.

"Harry Potter is sleeping with the one and only Draco Malfoy,"

Oooooooh look at that drama.

And don't worry, there will be a bit of fluff before the Daily Prophet is delivered ;)

Also bonus two chapters since it took me forever.

Hope you enjoyed!

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